can't login to mac but can login to 1password website

Community Member

I've recently returned from a long trip and can't remember my login for the mac version of 1password. This is also the same password as only iPhone but faceID allows me to still use that device. I have an emergency kit that has my account key and something also called a master password. So I can log into the website. I've tried the master password from the emergency kit on the mac but that does not work. I also tried to change my login (master??) password on the iPhone but it wants the old one.

What are my options? I know agile bits can not recover my old login but given that I can login to the iPhone version with faceID and can login to the family website, is there a way I can get the Mac version working again and set a new login password.

thanks in advance

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: family account


  • anuaimi
    Community Member

    I would really appreciate some help on this issue. Thanks

  • anuaimi
    Community Member

    I have partially solved the problem. The issue was that I have both a family plan and an older style vault that is synced by dropbox. That means the login to the 1password app used the older password not the master password for my family account. The old vault only had a few entries in it so I moved those so I could delete the vault. Unfortunately, I was not able to do so since I don't know the password. What I was able to do was uninstall the app on all my iOS devices and restall it. Then I just connected my family account. So things are solved for those devices

    I still have a problem with my Mac. I tried to delete the app and reinstall it but it still wants the old password on startup. When I go to preferences, it still has the old vault listed. I believe I need to remove all the old data when I uninstall it and tried using the following instructions but on re-install, it still has the old data

    So I believe what I need is just a way to remove the old data when I un-install. I would like a new install to start clean

  • anuaimi
    Community Member

    Ok found this support page to clear the data.

    This ticket can be closed

  • Henry
    1Password Alumni
    edited June 2018

    Hi @anuaimi I'm glad you found your solution there! If you're still running into any trouble at all, let me know :)

    ref: KRP-64196-437

This discussion has been closed.