How do I ask a human a question here?

Community Member

I noticed in Watchtower several wireless phone accounts with weak passwords. I have not used the phone for several years and stopped paying for several years. I did not think to delete the account from 1Password. I guess I should just move it to the trash. I can't get into my account because the phone doesn't work anymore. Is this the way to manage this? I have other questions as well.

1Password Version: 6.8.9
Extension Version: it no longer works
OS Version: OS 10.13.4
Sync Type: I think I messed this up
Referrer: forum-search:How do I ask a human a question here?


  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    Your best way to ask a question of a human is to post it here. You started asking some things. What else is on your mind? There are AgileBits helpers here in the forums everyday and most hours.

  • loulou
    Community Member

    I just posted my question above. I'll post it again. I noticed in Watchtower several wireless phone accounts with weak passwords. I have not used the phone for several years and stopped paying for several years. I did not think to delete the account from 1Password. I guess I should just move it to the trash. I can't get into my account because the phone doesn't work anymore. Is this the way to manage this? I have other questions as well.

  • loulou
    Community Member

    I thought I might go ahead and try updating from iPassword 6 (non subscription) to 1Password 7. I should have waited. I have both 1Password 7 and 1Password 6 on my computer. Should I get rid of 7 and start all over again? I also get an error when I try to install the Safari extension. In my haste last night I couldn't remember if I used Dropbox or iCloud to sync. I selected iCloud and it began to sync, but I still see it on Dropbox. I don't think I should have it on both.

  • loulou
    Community Member

    How long do you have to wait for an answer here?

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    As you could imagine, the support staff is probably much busier than usual with the recent release of version 7. When I was last a regular here, a couple of years ago, they worked from oldest posts to newest to try to get to people in the order they posted questions. Each time a user updates a thread with a new question (or to bump with yet another post to ask how long you have to wait), the whole thread is treated by the forum software as new, so you move to the back of the line again. It's hard, but patience will actually produce the quickest results, at least if the queuing protocol hasn't changed.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @loulou! I'm sorry for the delay in getting you a response from someone on the team. @hawkmoth is correct (as usual), however: with the nearly simultaneous launch of both 1Password 7 for Mac and 1Password 7 for Windows, we're considerably busier than usual, and since we try to answer customer questions/issues in the order they were received (mostly), response times have suffered as a result. We're working hard to get back to our usual snappy response times, so in the meantime, we appreciate your patience.

    Now: one way to get rid of those annoying, no-longer-used 1Password items is simply, as @hawkmoth mentioned, to delete them. If you aren't sure you're completely finished with it, however, or you're just an inveterate archivist, you can do what I do: create a new vault, call it "Archives" (or whatever), and transfer any such disused logins into it. Then, visit Preferences > Vaults and exclude the Archives vault from appearing in All Vaults. Now, you'll have to intentionally select it to be able to see items within it, and search results won't contain items from it.

    You should definitely not run 1Password 6 and 1Password 7 simultaneously on your Mac; doing so risks all sorts of weird behavior. Since it's been a few days since you posted last, did you get this sorted out, or are you still looking for instructions? Let us know; now that I'm monitoring this discussion, you won't have to wait again to get a response.

  • loulou
    Community Member

    I don't use 7, but I used it one time. I can't delete it. I only use 6 now and I'm willing to wait, but I don't know if I have done something wrong since I used 7 one time and it just sits on the Menu Bar. I can use 6 on the Menu Bar but it doesn't exactly work like it used to work. Thanks for responding.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @loulou - I'm not surprised to hear version 6 doesn't work well when you have version 7 active and running at the same time -- that's definitely going to cause some usability issues. Here's how to solve it:

    • Locate the 1Password 7 mini icon in your Mac's toolbar.
    • Hold down your keyboard's Option key (to the left of the Command key on your keyboard), then click that 1Password 7 icon. You'll see an option to Quit 1Password Completely. Choose that.
    • Visit your Applications folder and delete 1Password 7 by dragging it to your Mac's Trash, then empty the Trash, and restart your Mac.

    Let us know what things are like once you do that.

  • loulou
    Community Member

    I completed every step and version 6 works correctly now. Thanks.

  • loulou
    Community Member

    By the way I have an application on my mac called Clean My Mac. It shows I have 7 still on my computer. should I use that to uninstall the rest of the items. they are binaries, and supporting files.

  • loulou
    Community Member

    never mind I forgot to empty the trash - it's gone now.

  • JadC
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @loulou, we do not recommend using automated app cleaners as they can interfere with critical 1Password files such as databases that are used to revert back seamlessly to 1Password 6. Simply drag 1Password 7 to the trash and that is it :smile:.

  • loulou
    Community Member

    I didn't do anything with clean my mac. I just emptied the trash. That clean my mac popup came up before I checked the trash. Again that is why I always ask first. Now I know for sure Thanks. I do have one question. I used version 7 one time to open it and a popup from version 7 asked if I wanted to sync. I foolishly said I did and thought I used iCloud. Now I think I use Dropbox. Will that cause a problem? I never can find where things show up on iCloud. I do have 1Password.agilekeychain on Dropbox. and it looks like the one I am used to.
    How would I get rid of anything synched to iCloud or do I even need to?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @loulou - if you're certain you want to use Dropbox and not iCloud, you can go to Help > Troubleshooting > Reset iCloud Data -- this will erase all 1Password data in iCloud.

    One other thing you said did strike me, however: you're using an Agile Keychain for sync. This was our first sync keychain, and while it was great in its day, it's ten years ago and has been deprecated now. You should switch to the smaller, more robust and secure OPVault format. Here are the instructions for doing that. 1Password 7 will not allow Agile Keychains, and neither will future versions of 1Password, so it's best to switch now for multiple reasons.

  • loulou
    Community Member

    Somehow I missed this last help. I got a reply to an e-mail message from Jacob Wilson. This was after I had already removed version 7 from my laptop. I asked him about my concern over having already synced version 7 to iCloud.

    This was his reply:_ If 1Password 7 did sync to iCloud, you can unsync things if you'd like. Just be sure your data is safely synced somewhere else first. Then open and unlock 1Password 6 and click Help > Troubleshooting > Reset iCloud Data_.

    At that time he may not have known about the agile keychain file on my Dropbox. I sent him the following.

    I believe I need more guidance. I will send you some screenshots that may help you see what I see.

    Unfortunately I discovered that I have 1Password 7.0.6 on my iPad. I found this by going to General/iPad Storage/1Password/1Password. I notice I can delete the app from here. Should I do this? How do I get 1Password 6 back on my iPad if I do this?

    I decided to open the 1Password application on my MacBook Pro. It says 1Password 6. I opened preferences and when I clicked on sync it listed none. I already have a 1Password icon in Dropbox. It is not in a folder but sits alone. This is the name of the file: 1Password.agilekeychain. I did not want to move it or mess with it, so I created a folder on Dropbox and gave it this label: Sync here June 12, 2018. I then went back to 1Password 6 preferences and changed from none to Dropbox. When asked where to place the file I chose the folder Sync here June 12, 2018. The file has this name: 1Password.opvault. It has a different look from the other 1Password icon with agile keychain.

    Now, since I have already sent the sync from 1Password 6 to this new folder on Dropbox and it has the .opvault on it, should I trust this to be accurate? I did not do all of the steps mentioned in Here are the instructions because I don't know if I should delete that file in the Sync here folder and start all over or what.

    I need to know what I should do to fix this and also in addition to my iPad I have an iPhone which also probably needs to be fixed as well. I have not had time yet to check it. I have one old iPod that may also have to be changed.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @loulou - I'm going to recommend, for your sake, that you stop communicating with different people here in different communication channels. The reason is that one may be a step ahead of the other, and we may give you different instructions. Trying to coordinate two or more conversations with multiple people here will likely add confusion and definitely slow the support times for everyone, including you. Please continue your conversation with Jacob, if you don't mind. Direct him here if necessary to see what you've written here, but let's go ahead and continue the conversation via email. Thanks! :)

This discussion has been closed.