Feature suggestion: Display of multiple logins in 1P7 Mini

Community Member

1P7 is a very nice update and I'm getting used to the slightly changed workflow. However, there's one inconvenience when using 1P7 Mini. Say you have more than one login in your vault for a site like Amazon. The most common ways to login in are either:

Workflow (1)
Open a new browser window and browse to the login page of Amazon. Then click on 1P7 Mini and you see the following screen with suggestions:

Workflow (2)
Open a new broser window and leave it empty. Then click on 1P7 Mini, search for "amazon" and you see the following screen:

Workflow (1) lists the two logins including the username as "Amazon – username" which makes it easy to choose the right one. On the other hand, workflow (2) lists the two logins without the username as "Amazon" only. It's necessary to browser through the list and check the right side to select the right one.

It would be cool to include the username in workflow (2) as well, particularly, since with the right URLs stored, 1P7 is not only a password manager but also a very handy bookmark manager.

Thanks for considering this addition and cheers!

1Password Version: 7.0.3
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: MacOS 10.13.5
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Henry
    1Password Alumni
    edited June 2018

    Thanks for the feedback here @svoop! I absolutely agree that this should be improved, and it's very much on our radar for the future. :)

    ref: apple-1264

  • svoop
    Community Member

    Cool, thanks!

  • Henry
    1Password Alumni

    Very welcome @svoop! Let us know if you ever have more feedback/questions we can help with.

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