I Can't sign in @ my.1password.com
I can sign into my desktop app and browser app...but, not at my.1password.com I have sent a Diagnostic report I have not heard a peep from support in 4 days ...I was trying to switch from LastPass I had no idea I would have so much difficulty ...since I can't sign in I can't even cancel I'm just lost. I just don't get...and yes Key and password are correct
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Did you sign up for a 1Password.com account? How are you currently syncing your passwords? And which version on which platform are you running 1Password?
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It looks like Steve responded to your email so we'll keep that conversation going for now. :)
ref: DXG-35435-578
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Yes sorry about all this, I use my pc windows 10, 1pass app vesion 7.0.558 I was not able to sign up on my android phone, maybe this the problem I read that I can only cancel by signing in @ my.1password but I can sign in there..I am able to use the the 1password extension on google chrome...there just must be something i'm missing.(no iPhone)
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I should have said I cannot sign in 1paasword.com to cancel
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The problem is, Error Password, Key, or Email, not correct, I have no problem with the chrome browser apps, 1password X,.But 1password.com and ZTE max pro a just can't sign...I mostly wanted to use it on my pc win10, I downloaded the 1password for my PC I'm able to sign fine...So should my password Key Email work on all?
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I cant sign into My.password.com on any device...just be as clear as I can.
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Yes sorry about all this, I use my pc windows 10, downloaded 1pass app version 7.0.558, I tried but I was not able to sign up on my android phone, and I read that I can only cancel by signing in @ my.1password.com but I can not sign in it tell me my key and passwords are wrong yet I was able to sign when I started my account and added my payment card I'm in my trial period ..I am able to use the 1password and 1password X extensions on google chrome fine, I just Cant sign into my.password.com, I not sure what is meant by how I Sync my password? I uploaded my password from a LastPass CSV...hopfully this is enough info if not Ill just leave it here, ty
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided0 -
Hello @Magiq1. I've noticed you and Steve already have a conversation going in email and can continue it there instead of back here on the forum. That'll help us to help you quicker so we're not getting supported wires crossed between both places. :smile:
ref: DXG-35435-578