Upgrade from App Store w/ iCloud sync to 1Password 7 with family plan doesn't work

Community Member

I followed instructions on your site for Upgrading to 1Password 7 for Mac. I have the App Store version with my Primary vault synced through iCloud (see about info pasted below):
Version 6.8.8 (688001)
Mac App Store

I first downloaded v7 through the App Store, but my vault didn't carry over. I then purchased a family plan and downloaded v7 from your website. Again, my vault did not import. I reverted back to v6 and my vault is there, but when I try to install the Safari extension, it's the new version and I don't see my vault.

At the very least, I would like to install the v6 version of the Safari extension and get back to where I was. In this case, I would cancel my family plan and ask for a refund.

Ideally, I would be able to upgrade to v7 and have my vault carry over and everything work fine. In this case, I would keep my family plan.

I use 1Password constantly for work (I'm a web developer) and it's crucial for my work flow. Because of this and since I haven't heard back, I am asking you to please escalate this case [#PZD-12759-152]

1Password Version: 6.8.8
Extension Version: uninstalled
OS Version: 10.13.5
Sync Type: iCloud
Referrer: forum-search:upgrade from app store to 1password 7


  • sddawson
    Community Member

    I have the same problem. V6 from App Store had a single vault synced using iCloud. V7 offered 2 vaults at startup (chose the latest). I had already followed an invite link to join a family account, so I signed into that. I am only shown the default vault, and was never offered to import my V6 vault. If I start V6, I still see my existing data. How can I import my existing vault?

  • sddawson
    Community Member

    I started V6, added my account there, and it asked me whether I wanted to copy my exisiting vault over to the account. Having done that, I could start V7 and see everything in my online vault. I then deleted V6. Don't know why V7 didn't do the migration.

  • Ben
    edited June 2018

    Hi @john_contarino

    It appears Megan was able to help you via email. If you need further help please respond to her there. :)


    ref: PZD-12759-152

  • Hi @sddawson

    If you’re signed into a membership account 1Password 7 assumes that is where the data that you want to use is located. Glad to hear you were able to get this sorted out.


  • sddawson
    Community Member

    I think there's a bit of an on boarding problem here. I would think there are many users that were using V6 from the App Store to sync with Dropbox or iCloud. They then install V7, which requires an account. So you sign up or accept an invite to an existing account. But the old vault doesn't carry over. This is further complicated by the fact that, when I started V7, it gave me an option of 2 vaults to choose from (I don't know where the older one came from). So I chose the latest, but it still didn't use it for anything. Or am I missing something?

  • Version 7 does not require an account. In the scenario you’ve described when installing 1Password 7 on the welcome screen you should’ve been given an opportunity to sign up for a trial of 1Password membership or to purchase a standalone license:

    Did you not get a screen that looked like that?


  • sddawson
    Community Member

    Yes, I did - and I chose to sign in, since I'd already followed an invite link and set up an account. I didn't want to purchase. But my V6 vault was left behind.

  • Right... gotcha. That is actually how it was designed to work, but it seems you’ve come across a scenario we didn’t account for (where someone would want to sign into a membership account but also carry over a standalone vault). I’ll bring this up with the team and see if we can better address this situation. In the mean time did you have this v6 standalone vault synced anywhere, or is it only in 1Password 6 for Mac’s local database?


  • sddawson
    Community Member

    Thanks Ben. Yes, it was synced to iCloud. Going back to V6, converting to the account, then starting V7 overcame the problem.

    I would have thought this was quite a likely scenario. I installed V7 from the App Store, without knowing I would either have to purchase it again or sign up to an account. Since our family already had an account, I decided to add one more person to it. Hence the problem.

  • I understand. Thanks for letting us know @sddawson. One of my colleagues is testing this scenario now to see if we can reproduce the difficulty.


  • It does appear that this is a use case that we don’t necessarily have code written to account for. Frankly I’m not entirey sure that we should try to. If this ends up being something that folks commonly run into then I’ll certainly discuss further with the team, but at this point as far as I can tell it seems you’re the only one who has found themselves in this particular situation.

    In any event, I’m glad to hear that you were able to get up and running. If we can be of further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


  • sddawson
    Community Member

    Well, the person who started this thread seems to have had the problem too ;)

  • Fair enough. ;)


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