Frustrated with upgrade from 1P6 to 1P7

Community Member

I've been a (paying) 1P user for years across my 2 Macs and iPhone(s). Always kept up-to-date, always worked wonderfully, using Dropbox to keep things in sync. Until I upgraded to 1P7 that is...

Somehow, some of my items that were in my 'Primary' vault (the one on Dropbox that I've been using without issue for years) didn't make it into the new 'Personal' vault that got created during the upgrade. Had I known how much trouble this was going to cause, I would have paid much more attention (and documented every step of what I did) during the upgrade but the end result is I have an "All Items" count of 869 in my old 'Primary' vault, an 'All Items' count of 625 in the new 'Personal' vault that was created during the upgrade, and there's no rhyme or reason to what made it into the new vault vs. what didn't. Logins that I haven't changed in a VERY long time (one PayPal account, for example) didn't make it along with something else that did change a few weeks ago. Random notes didn't copy. 1 identity (I basically never even use that feature) didn't copy.

Incredibly frustrating to try to figure out which things didn't come over and then sit here with the desktop client switching vaults and trying to match things up.

Any suggestions or guidance would be appreciated.

1Password Version: 7.0.4
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.13.5
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @kermitwallace: Thanks for reaching out. I’m sorry for the trouble! Indeed, that does seem odd, as we normally hear from folks because they get more items when migrating (items with attachments are converted to item + Document, so this can result in a 2-for-1).

    I guess the question I have is, do you still have the original vault? If not, you'd probably still have backups of it in 1Password at least. We can walk you through re-doing the migration, not only to see if you get a better result, but also to try to figure out what might have gone wrong. Theoretically there could be data that was unreadable, perhaps due to its age, but it's not something we've seen with but a handful of items. Also, have you made changes to your data in since migrating? Let me know and we'll go from there.

  • kermitwallace
    Community Member

    @brenty Thanks for the follow up - it's been a busy time for me, so I've just dealt with having 2 vaults and switching to 'all vaults' as needed when a login I'm looking for doesn't come up straight away. If getting help now is an option, I'd appreciate it.

    So, to answer your question:
    -Yes, I still have the original (dropbox) vault named "Primary". I suppose because I'm still accessing it, I've managed to edit a few items in that vault - thankfully not many.

    All the new items (logins... I haven't created anything else) have ended up in the new "Personal" vault.

  • kermitwallace
    Community Member

    @brenty - Scratch my last note. I took a couple hours today, moved items from the 'personal' vault to my primary (dropbox), cleaned up some random weirdness and duplicates, then killed the personal vault on my devices. Everything is in sync now using dropbox, so I'm good.

    I assume the preferred method would be to go to the 'personal' vault using the 1password native sync, but I just needed to get this fixed and in sync across my devices, and that's where I'm at now.

    Fingers crossed that the next upgrade doesn't put me in hurt-land again...

    As (somewhat) of an aside, I spent a little time browsing the support forum today as I was resolving my issue. There are a LOT of people who are confused and frustrated by the upgrade / licensing / account / subscription options and processes. I hope you guys are seeing the forest for the trees and future versions will have a more unified, simple approach.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @kermitwallace: No worries. Good to hear from you again. :)

    Indeed, we see every message our customers send us, so we're definitely aware that some are having trouble with upgrades or migrating to accounts, etc. But this is a very small percentage of the 1Password userbase. That's not to say that we're okay with it because it's a small number of people. After all, that's why we're here helping them! But if it were really "a LOT", we'd be completely buried and I probably wouldn't be replying to you right now. The reason these issues exist is because some of our customers prefer licenses and local vaults, like what you're using now. You wouldn't have that option right now if we'd gone with "a more unified, simple approach". I think it's important that we continue to offer people options, and we're here to help no matter what. :)

    As far as you in particular, it's really up to you. I'm glad to hear that you have a setup that works for you for the time being. If you prefer syncing your own data (Primary local vault) via Dropbox, that's totally okay. If you have questions about that, I'm happy to answer them. And if you decide you want to give a membership another try at any point, I'll be happy to walk you through setting that up too. :)

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