Deleting old drawer 1Password 4?

Community Member

Hi all,

I upgrade to 1pw 7 and followed the instruction from your website and no problems at all, also I deleted the old 1pw 6 app.
The new app. works fine and swift.
But I have still one drawer left of 1pw 4 in Library-> Application Support!
It disturbs and confusing me a little... Can I delete it, can I rename it to 1Password 7 or?
I thank you all.
Kind regards,

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • hawkmoth
    Community Member
    edited June 2018

    But I have still one drawer left of 1pw 4 in Library-> Application Support!

    I don't know what the current advice is about deleting those support files, but even though they are labeled as belonging to 1Password 4, they are actually the support files for 1Password 6 as well. The same folder was used for versions 4, 5, and 6. Don't rename the folder for sure. And I suspect the support staff will suggest you leave them alone and not delete them. You certainly don't want to do that until you are very sure you have everything in 1Password 7 from 1Password 6 that you may ever want. But I defer to those with more up-to-date information about deleting the folder.

  • Tuur_L
    Community Member

    Thanks Hawkmoth :) That was my goal for good up to date info, I thought they will start full with a new 1pw 7 folder as well.

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    I thought they will start full with a new 1pw 7 folder as well.

    I believe they do that, but the location is different, and I don't know where it is. But still please wait until an AgileBits staff member provides advice about when or if to delete the 1Password 4 folder in Library/Application Support.

  • rudy
    edited June 2018

    The directory paths 1Password 7 uses are:

    ~/Library/Group Containers/

    and in the near future:



  • Tuur_L
    Community Member

    I thank you both :)

    @rudy, yes I found all the folders after you pointed me it out :)
    I suppose it is now safe to delete the old 1pw 4 folder?

    Kind regards to all.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni


    I suppose it is now safe to delete the old 1pw 4 folder?

    If you really feel like you need to, it won't hurt anything about your 1Password 7 for Mac setup. What it WILL do (and why we don't recommend it) is remove any chance that you could revert back to 1Password 6 for Mac if you needed/wanted to in the future. These days, most people have waaaaay more hard drive space than they need, so unless you're tremendously pressed for space, I'd just leave it alone. It can't cause problems for you 1Password 7 install, and it won't slow your Mac or anything of that nature either. If you just really don't like it and you can't foresee any circumstance ever in the future where you might be glad you had access to this older data, you can delete ~/Library/Application Support/1Password 4/, but we don't recommend it.

  • Tuur_L
    Community Member
    edited June 2018

    Ok, thanks for the good info Lars and it stays there now.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Tuur_L - sounds good! :)

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