Bug report in Amazon

hi all,

I come to report several bugs that I notice.
The first is that the generator does save my reviews on the addon but not when it offers me to generate a password on a site, whereas before that worked.

The second is that it asks to register the identifier when it is already registered. It only happens to me on Amazon for the moment (see photo)

That's it, that's it for me!

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • protozzx0
    Community Member

    The second is that it asks to register the identifier when it is already registered. It only happens to me on Amazon for the moment (see photo)

    That happens to me while loggin in to 1Password, funny enough (after automatically filling the password)

  • @Yversam, @yokk: Thank you both for reporting this behavior. The new inline menu introduced in version 1.8.4.beta ended up bringing a few extra prompts to save your passwords even when they were already saved. We'll improve this behavior in the next release and only prompt to save when your password has changed.

    @Yversam: I'd love to learn more about your first inquiry. When you take advantage of the suggested generated password, you should automatically be prompted to save the associated Login item. This means that no Password item will be created and instead the item will be updated directly with the new password. It's certainly possible that I'm misunderstanding your report, though. If that's the case, kindly clarify the behavior you're seeing and I'll try again. 🙂

  • protozzx0
    Community Member

    @DaltonD Thanks for the update, waiting for a new beta release then! :-)

  • Looks like I best be publishing a new beta soon then! 🙂

    I just checked and can't believe it's been over two weeks since the last beta. I'll create one this weekend!

  • protozzx0
    Community Member

    @dteare can confirm the new beta fixes the problem of saving already existing logins. works great (love the rich icons too) and thanks for your hard work.

  • Sweet! Thank you for confirming that, @yokk.


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