Manuale d'uso in italiano

Community Member

Esiste un manuale d'uso in lingua italiana in formato pdf?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @faumau! 1Password actually does not have a user manual in any language, including English. We DO have a very good support site, which can be visited at, but it is not localized into Italian at this time, unfortunately. With the upgrades to 1Password 7 for Mac and 1Password 7 for Windows behind us, we're looking to expand upon some of the other areas that have taken a lower priority recently, and localization is definitely one of those. Hope that helps!

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    @Lars hmm, I did reply to this thread earlier and, strangely, my post has disappeared. It still shows on my profile among my posts. Was it so improper as to warrant deletion? I am puzzled.


  • faumau
    Community Member


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni


    Was it so improper as to warrant deletion?

    I've seen enough posts from you over the years that I cannot imagine such a thing. I'm baffled as well, since I just checked both the Spam and Moderation queues, and there was only one post in the Spam queue (which was not yours) and nothing in Moderation. ¯(º_o)/¯ I don't know what happened. Sorry!

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    @Lars don't worry it's just a relief to know a reasonable post wasn't censored! It's still among my posted items so clearly the forum software swallowed it. Sorry for taking your time.


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Stephen_C - oh, no worries! If there's some cosmic ledger somewhere of how much time you've given us vs how much time you've wasted, you're heavily in the former category, on balance. Thanks for what you do here. :)

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