Sharing vaults

Community Member
edited June 2018 in Mac

I have version 6.8.2. Can I share a vault with someone? I thought that I used to have this capability but maybe that changed when the subscription version came out. If it still possible, please let me know.


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • th0r
    Community Member


    as far as I can find in Knowledgebase you can only share vaults between Team and Family members

    With whom would you like to share your vault?

  • Ben
    edited June 2018

    Hi @msmile042

    v6.8.2 would be fairly old at this point. Is there a reason to not have the latest version (v6.8.9 for the 6.x product, v7.0.4 for the 7.x product)?

    If you’d like to share with someone outside your team or family a guest account may be a solution:

    I hope that helps!


  • POCMAM69
    Community Member

    I also want to share a vault with my wife.
    I do not have a 1Password membership but a stand alone perpetual license. ( I do not want to switch to a membership, simply because I do not want to pay a second time for the same product)
    The whole subject membership/standalone is very confusing. Agilebits seem to have taken out all support information on the stand alone software from the web site. Everything seems to be done to force people to go towards membership. Until know, I had nothing but praise about your program. I am starting to change my mind.
    So my 2 questions are
    1. How do I share a vault with someone. It happens to be somebody in the family, but I do not have a family membership
    2. how can I access the old Help files on your knowledge base?
    Thank you in advance!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited September 2018

    Welcome to the forum, @POCMAM69! Sorry for the confusion. To clarify, there is no "stand alone software"; both users and standalone users will be using the same software: 1Password 7 for Mac. The major difference is the method of payment and sync, not the actual software itself. We continue to offer both methods because some of our users prefer one or the other, so yes, it can cause some confusion due just to that choice of how to use/pay for 1Password.

    To answer your specific questions, we regularly update our support documentation to keep pace with the changes in development that are made as we update 1Password. That was just as true in the past as it remains today. And although we've got offline archives of our old documentation, it's generally not accessible to the public because as a security company, we can't really recommend people continue to use old versions of software, including our own.

    If you want to share data amongst family members today, a 1Password Families membership is the recommended method. I know you said you "do not want to pay a second time for the same product," but I have to confess I'm always a little confused when I hear this reasoning, so let me ask you: does that mean you plan to never purchase an update from whatever version you originally purchased? As I just mentioned, we can't recommend that approach, as too many security and compatibility fixes and updates occur as time passes. If you're like me, you have a number of applications that you've used for many years, and over time, you wind up paying for upgrades to these applications as the developers release new versions that allow you improved usability and features (not to mention essential compatibility with new versions of the OS on which they run). So unless you literally plan to never make any such upgrade purchases, you already are "paying a second (and potentially third, fourth) time for the same product." That's how most software is licensed: free updates in-version (like from 3.4 to 3.5, etc), and paid upGRADES to new full versions (like from 3.5.5 to 4.0, etc). You're welcome to do that -- via standalone license purchase -- if you like, but if you're already paying for upgrades, it seems strange to me to be willing to pay larger amounts less frequently (and predictably) but not smaller amounts on an easily-budgetable monthly (or annual) basis.

    I'll stop here, because although we are indeed strongly recommending membership to new 1Password users, I don't want to badger you or seem like I'm hard-selling you on a membership. I just don't understand the logic that says "I refuse to pay again"...and then purchases an upgraded license. So let me end this reply this way: we're happy to have you as a 1Password user, however you want to do it. If you're comfortable using older, legacy version(s) of our apps because you're unwilling to pay anything else for new features and development, ever, that's fine. Licenses never expire...but they also only work for the version you purchased, not for newer versions. And we no longer give advice and instructions for how to use legacy versions; our advice will always be to upgrade to the current version for security and compatibility reasons. We'd be happy to have you as a 1Password 7 user with a standalone license, also -- with the understanding that sharing amongst family members is not a feature of standalone licenses, and that each family member would need his or her own license, as licenses are sold per-person and per-platform. Or, we'd be happy to have you as a 1Password Families member, which would allow you many advantages, including effortless sharing and sync. The choice is yours; let us know if you have any questions. :)

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