1Password7 is not syncing with my iPhone. Is this the result of trial mode?

Community Member

I've been using 1Password on the Mac and iOS for years and syncing through iCloud. When 1Password7 came out, I decided to switch to the subscription model. I'm on the trial now. Now it's not syncing at all. Could this have something to do with the trial mode? I'd think it would have warned me if that was the case. Any help would be appreciated.

1Password Version: 7.0.4
Extension Version: 4.7.1
OS Version: MacOS 10.13.5
Sync Type: iCloud?
Referrer: forum-search:1password7 not syncing with iphone


  • Hi @gperlman! To get things syncing, you need to migrate your existing data to your new 1Password account:

    Move your existing 1Password data to a 1Password account

    Follow all the steps in that guide, including removing the old vault once you've migrated your data, and you should be good to go. :)

  • gperlman
    Community Member

    I'm surprised that when I switched it didn't prompt me to do this. I also now have a primary vault and a personal vault which has resulted in everything being duplicated. I didn't realize it at the time so I deleted some of the duplicates I noticed but now I realize that it was just that the primary had been copied into the Personal. Anything I can do to sync the two accounts together before removing the old one?

  • gperlman
    Community Member

    I believe I have already followed the steps mentioned above. Everything looks ok on my Mac. The problem is on my iPhone and iPad I now have two vaults, one called Primary and the other Personal. In the iOS version, when I go to 1Password then tap on Settings, then tap on Vaults, I see: Vault for Saving set to Personal then under Vaults included in all Vaults, there's Primary (which I have now turned off) followed by my name and then Personal (which is on). By turning off the Primary, I no longer see duplicates but it seems like I should be deleting the vault titled Primary though I see no way to do that.

    Any ideas?

  • Sorry for the confusion gperlman. Instructions for doing that can be found here:



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