I updated to 1PW 7 and deleted 1PW6. I need to reinstall 1PW6

Community Member

I updated to 1PW7 and cancelled iPW6 without realizing I cannot backup to an external drive via sync. How can I reinstall 1PW6 and cancel my 1PW7 subscription.

1Password Version: 6.8.9
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS 10.13.4
Sync Type: External Hard Drive
Referrer: forum-search:Reinstall 1password 6


  • Hi @lescovorro ,

    You can downgrade to version 6, but maybe we can help regarding backups. Can you explain what you mean by backup via sync? Do you mean just have it save your backups to an external drive instead of the internal drive?


  • lescovorro
    Community Member

    I have 2 iPhones, 2 Macs and 1 iPad. I am able to backup with 1PW6 to a folder on an external hard drive and thus can sync with all my devises. It appears that I can't do this with 1PW7. I don't want my info on an offsite server. Can I accomplish this with 1PW7 and what is the advantage for a subscription?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @lescovorro - there are two issues here: one is switching from a standalone setup where all your 1Password data is local on your own devices and you choose your advanced sync method (iCloud, Dropbox, Folder sync or WLAN) to a 1password.com account where backups and sync are handled by the 1password.com service, and the other is upgrading from 1Password 6 for Mac to 1Password 7.

    These are not necessarily combined (though we make it easy to do so). You ask what the advantage is to a 1password.com membership? There are many advantages, so I'd urge you to consider retaining your 1Password account (especially since you've already done the work of creating and populating it).

    However, If you want to remain a 1Password 7 for Mac standalone user (and you haven't made changes to the data you transferred into your 1password.com account), then all you'll really need to do is this:

    • In 1Password 7, visit Preferences > Advanced and check the box marked "Allow creation of vaults outside 1password.com accounts." This will create a new Primary vault locally on your Mac.
    • Use these instructions to move your items back from your 1password.com account vault(s) into your Primary vault.
    • Visit Preferences > Accounts and use the minus (-) button at the bottom of the window to sign out of your 1password.com account. This will leave you running only your local data in 1Password 7.
    • Sign into your 1password.com account in a browser and make sure you remove payment information if you entered it when you signed up for your account. This will stop inadvertent charges. Or just go to Settings and click the "Delete" link at the bottom of the page.
    • In 1Password 7 for Mac, click on 1Password > Purchase 1Password to purchase a 1Password 7 license which will take your data out of Read-Only mode.

    Let us know if you have any questions!

  • lescovorro
    Community Member

    Would it not be simpler to re-download 1PW6 and sync it with the backup that is already on my external drive since I have one of my macs and 2 iphones and 1 ipad already with 1PW6?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni


    Would it not be simpler to re-download 1PW6 and sync it with the backup that is already on my external drive...

    As ag_kevin alluded to up above, sync and backup in standalone 1Password are two entirely different things, which is why they have separate panels in Preferences. I'm still not sure I understand what you're trying to accomplish as a result. In standalone 1Password 6, the app will make a backup of your entire 1Password database about once a day, into the folder located in either ~/Library/Application Support/1Password 4/Backups/ (if you have 1Password downloaded/purchased from us), or ~/Library/Containers/2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper/Data/Library/Backups/ (if you purchased 1Password from the Mac App Store). That is an entirely separate function from sync, which you set up in the Sync tab of 1Password 6's Preferences. Advanced sync is either iCloud, Dropbox, WLAN or Folder sync, depending on what you chose when you set up sync. Is this what you're referring to?

    Regarding whether it would be "simpler," that's a question for you; you asked me previously: I am able to backup with 1PW6 to a folder on an external hard drive and thus can sync with all my devises...Can I accomplish this with 1PW7, so that's the question I answered: yes, you can use a standalone setup with 1Password 7 for Mac. However, since you also said in your initial post that you'd already installed 1Password 7 for Mac and created a 1password.com account, I also gave instructions for removing such an account from 1Password 7 and switching back over to a standalone setup while remaining with 1Password 7 for Mac, since your question was "Can I accomplish this with 1Password 7?"

    Can you explain a bit more about what you mean by "sync with the backup?" Thanks. :)

  • lescovorro
    Community Member

    I was using 1PW6 and backing up to a folder on my external hard drive. All my devises was backing up to this folder. If I had it back up to one or more of my macs they would not sync. This is why I had my PW backups going to an external hard drive. Therefore each would sync to this file and each devise had the same info. My iPhone would also backup to this folder and sync with the data. If I change 1PW7 to back up to this folder would that have any effect on using 1PW6 on my second Mac. Bottom line is I do not what my info on a offsite server. Since I purchased 1PW6 from you, is there a way you can send me a download and a license number?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @lescovorro - apologies for the delay in replying to your post -- I was away last week.

    If I change 1PW7 to back up to this folder would that have any effect on using 1PW6 on my second Mac.

    No. If you're using folder sync on a local drive, 1Password 6 for Mac and 1Password 7 for Mac won't be incompatible; they both can use the same sync keychain.

    Since I purchased 1PW6 from you, is there a way you can send me a download and a license number?

    I'm not sure what you're asking. I've re-sent your existing license information to the email address you provided. If you're referring to 1Password 7 for Mac, you can get a copy by visiting our downloads page -- but version 7 is a separate purchase (which can be made in-app, once you've installed it). Let me know if you have any further questions! :)

  • lescovorro
    Community Member

    Okay. I have my backup going to a folder on an external hard drive and being sync'd with my other Mac running 1PW6. If I want to upgrade to 1PW7 for the Mac that's running 1PW6, do I need to purchase another license?

    Now that I'm backing up and syncing to 1Password.opvault, how do I get my iPhone and iPad to sync to this new location. Currently in settings for both is -
    Settings > Vaults > Primary > Sync Service > WLAN > Current Sync Method > WLAN

    Also, since I'm not storing my data on your server, could you delete my data that is currently on there? If not, I will need tochange all my passwords.

    I don't mind having a membership with 1PW, since I have been with you since the beginning. Since I'm not backing up to your server, is there any advantages of being a member?

    Thank you for your help.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni


    Now that I'm backing up and syncing to 1Password.opvault

    OPVault is a sync keychain, not a backup mechanism or location. Your backups are located where they always have been -- you can open Preferences > Backups and click "Show Files" to see the actual location of your backups.

    ...how do I get my iPhone and iPad to sync to this new location

    Your iOS devices do not use this location; they are using WLAN for sync. You can set this up on either of your Macs, but don't set up WLAN server on both. Here are instructions for setting it up.

    Also, since I'm not storing my data on your server, could you delete my data that is currently on there? If not, I will need tochange all my passwords.

    You can absolutely delete your 1Password account -- although we never have access to your actual data; only the encrypted form for which only you have the Master Password and Secret Key. But here are instructions for deleting a 1Password account, if you want to do that.

    I don't mind having a membership with 1PW, since I have been with you since the beginning. Since I'm not backing up to your server, is there any advantages of being a member?

    If you're planning to keep your data local (standalone), then there are fewer advantages of being a 1Password member. It's possible to pay for a 1Password membership, not use the account (but sign into it on all devices, to remove it from read-only mode), and then create or use standalone data...but I wouldn't recommend it unless you have multiple family members all using multiple platforms. In that case, standalone licenses for each family member on multiple platforms will get prohibitive...but it's still a far-from-optimal/simple way to use a membership. Put more simply: standalone licenses are for standalone data; memberships are for 1password.com accounts. Hope that helps! :)

  • lescovorro
    Community Member

    Thanks for your help. I have purchased a standalone, cancelled my subscription, and deleted my 1PW7 account. One last question. After I paid for 1PW7, I received an email with download for Mac.onepassword7-license-mac. When I downloaded, my standalone went from read only to full features. Under License a pop up says I'm can now use this license on as many Macs as needed. The question is how can I download 1PW7 on my other Mac without having to join or pay for anther standalone?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni


    The question is how can I download 1PW7 on my other Mac without having to join or pay for anther standalone?

    Excellent question! Fortunately, our developers were thinking along the same lines when they designed 1Password 7 for Mac. The snazzy answer is: we now store your license file in iCloud Keychain. So, if you are signed into iCloud using the same account on both Macs (and most people have only one account), and you have iCloud Keychain on, then the license will already be waiting for you, inside Keychain Access on the new Mac. You can check: open Keychain Access (inside the Utilities folder within your Applications folder on your Mac), and type com.agilebits into the search bar. You'll see at least a couple of items - if one of them says "license" somewhere in it, that's it!

    If you're not using iCloud keychain or you use different iCloud accounts on different Macs, then you'll have a little more work ahead of you, but not much: just open the same email you received and used on your first Mac on this second one, and you can download/install the license file that way, as well.

  • lescovorro
    Community Member

    Possible problem. My other mac is used by my wife therefore is logged into her iCloud account. Both Macs use 1PW with the same info and sync to the same WLAN. In order to upgrade from 1PW6 to 1PW7, would I need to buy another 1PW7 for her mac.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @lescovorro - It depends. 1Password 7 for Mac is sold per-person and per-platform. That means if you have four users of 1Password for Mac, you will need four licenses -- one for each person. That's one of the advantages of a 1Password.com membership.

    Is your wife using 1Password on this other Mac?

  • lescovorro
    Community Member

    She is using 1PW6 under my old license.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @lescovorro - thanks for the clarification. In that case, yes, she would need to purchase her own license, which is why in such situations a 1Password Families membership often makes more financial sense (as opposed to purchasing two or three or four copies of licenses on one or more platforms, for different family members).

  • lescovorro
    Community Member

    Thanks for your help.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @lescovorro - you're quite welcome! Glad I was able to help. :)

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