How to save identity information with Credit Card info?

Community Member
edited June 2018 in Mac

Looking at 1P 7's credit card category, I don't see how to also include all the other fields always asked for when submitting credit card info. For example, name, address, etc.

Now, 1P7 does have an "identity" category, which I've now created but not yet tested, but it's separate from the credit card info. Is that by design?

So, my question is why you don't have a unified way to submit all this information with a single category type? I was expecting the credit card category to include name, address and other fields or maybe let me link to some identity already filled out, but that does not seem to be the case.

I'm assuming that on a website, I would first submit the identity and then the credit card info? Maybe you're assuming multiple identities and multiple credit cards and trying to keep it flexible? Yet, most folks would have a credit card and an identity.

Not sure how I'm supposed to use Credit Card + Identity features to actually buy something or, more basically, why each credit card doesn't already have fields for name, address, etc.



1Password Version: 7
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni


    1P7 does have an "identity" category, which I've now created but not yet tested, but it's separate from the credit card info. Is that by design?

    Yep! And it's more-or-less unchanged for some time (the layout and separation, I mean). You may want to have multiple "identities", for example. I do: I have a "trusted friends/family" one that has all my "real" info, I have another one for shopping online at trusted sites which contains a different email address I use for business communications. I have still yet a third with a pseudonym for posting on game message board sites, etc. You might choose to use any "identity" in conjunction with any credit card of yours, at a particular site, so they are separate categories.

    That said, we are looking into ways to have links between certain records whereby some or all of the data from one could be not only viewable but also usable from within another record, but as you might imagine, that's considerably more complicated than keeping things separate. Just letting you know you're not the only person to have such ideas, and we're considering how that might be made possible. For now, you can fill credit card information by calling up 1Password 7's mini and choosing any Credit Card record or Identity record, and 1Password will do its best to fill the data onto the page. :)

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