Enter key no longer works

Community Member

Ever since I upgraded to version 7 the enter key no longer works for me when filling in a password in a form. My company has a lot of forms that require my intranet credentials, so I don't save each separate form since I'd have to remember to update them all. Typically I right click on the password field and start typing to find my intranet password, then hit enter and it puts it into the form. It no longer does this in 1Password 7. This is a major annoyance for me.

1Password Version: 7.0.4
Extension Version:
OS Version: OSX 10.13.4
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @coopstah13: Thanks for reaching out. I’m sorry for the trouble! I'm afraid I'm not seeing what you are. I'm able to use the Enter/Return key to both select the login in 1Password mini:

    And also submit the form after 1Password fills it, when I have autosubmit disabled. Can you tell me which browser you're using, the exact steps you're taking, and give an example URL?

  • Hi coopstah13, does your item have a URL field? Pressing Enter to fill should work for any item with a URL, and also for Identity and Credit Card types. But it won't have any effect if there is no URL.

  • coopstah13
    Community Member

    It does not have a URL, it is a password object.

    I hate to tell you, but this is a regression. This worked up until I installed 1password7. I might have to go back to 6 because this is a pretty big PITA for me.

    I can't give you an example form, because these are all intranet forms.

  • coopstah13
    Community Member

    My steps to reproduce are:
    Go to a page with my login form
    Enter my username in the username field
    Right click the password field
    select 1password
    start searching for my intranet pw object
    hit enter

    This used to populate my password in the password box - no longer does.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @coopstah13 -- I'm not sure how to respond to that except to say I think you may be mistaken. If a record has no URL (and Password items can have URLs -- or you can add one by clicking "Edit" and filling it into the proper field), it won't be filled in by the method you describe, either in 1Password 6 for Mac or in 1Password 7 for Mac. Try adding a URL to the record and see if that helps.

  • coopstah13
    Community Member

    I can tell you, this password has never had a URL associated with it. I can assure you with extreme confidence, using the steps above, this worked until I updated to 1password7.

    Maybe what I'm saying isn't clear. I'm on the login page for the intranet website, I manually type in my username, then in the password box I right click -> 1password -> find my intranet pw -> hit enter. This always worked for me before now. Has nothing to do with navigating first, I'm already on the page.

  • coopstah13
    Community Member

    I just downgraded to 1password6 and it works again. I'm going to stick with this version until you figure it out, which is unfortunate but I don't want to deal with this bug.

  • coopstah13
    Community Member

    I am using chrome

  • I believe the strange thing is that this works in 1Password 6. My understanding is that 1Password should only be filling items where the website field on the item matches the URL of the page you’re viewing in the browser. If that is the case it is unlikely that we’ll go back and fix that bug in 1Password 6 at this point, but we’re not going to introduce the bug in 1Password 7.

    The way I’d recommend handling this is saving one login item with your credentials and then adding a website field for each site you need to use these credentials on. That way you can still update a single entry when that password changes.


  • coopstah13
    Community Member

    That seems kind of a silly requirement IMO. Nothing stops me from clicking copy/paste on the password, its just making it less convenient for me to do so.

  • Ben
    edited June 2018

    The reason for this is as an anti-phishing measure. The idea is to prevent a login for 1password.com from being filled in on lpassword.com. These look identical, but they are not (Lpassword instead of onepassword). Because lpassword.com would not be listed as a website on the item 1Password would not fill.


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    And having a Login item with a URL saved in it also allows you to use 1Password to Open and Fill there. Certainly you don't have to do that, but I don't see a downside to doing so. :)

  • coopstah13
    Community Member

    Open and fill with a login URL doesn't work here, which is why I use a password field. I will try a URL with my password, but I sincerely doubt it will work with all the SAML forms and redirects we have. This is why I just use a password field to begin with. Your UX is also not great with this because I can't easily add the URL when it asks me to save, it always wants to create a new entry, you should have an option to add a URL to an existing entry.

  • coopstah13
    Community Member

    Not only that, but when I click on a URL say in an email, where the base URL matches the URL field, will it even autofill? I bet it won't, which is another reason why this is a PITA. I get your anti-phishing measure, but you're just making it hard for me to do what I need to do. You could at least let me turn that off.

  • I understand your perspective. As a security focused company we feel we have some obligation to help prevent folks shooting themselves in the foot. As such there are some security features we just aren't comfortable having an option to toggle off. This is one of them. I'm sorry that makes your workflow here a bit more challenging.

    To re-iterate what I would suggest is saving a login item from one of the forms where you need to use these credentials:

    How to save a Login manually in your browser | 1Password

    Then edit that login item and add website fields for the other sites where you need this. If they all look like someservice.mycompany.com simply adding mycompany.com in a website field may alleviate much of the difficulty here.


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