Trying to upgrade for 1Password 3 to 1Password 7 on an iMac Re: [#XGN-38558-614]

Community Member

I have been trying to upgrade from 1Password 3 to 1Password 7 on an iMac running Sierra. This has been a miserable failure despite carefully following the instructions on the website. I have emailed support twice (having been given the support reference ticket Re: [#XGN-38558-614] ) but no-one in Support is responding. I have used your product happily across 4 separate devices for some years and have been happy and have recommended it to numerous others. My experience with this upgrade and your failure to provide meaningful Support is rapidly changing all of this.

To recap. I was running 1Password 3 on an iMac using Sierra, a MacBook Pro running High Sierra both under a standalone licence. In addition, I am using 1Password 7.0.6 on an iPhone X and an iPad. All were sync-ing through Dropbox.

At your prompting, I attempted to purchase a standalone licence for 1Password 7 via the website. I carefully followed the instructions for upgrade from 1Password 3 from your website. A summary of the steps take is as follows:-

At installation of 1Password 7 I was offered options to access existing vault via Dropbox. When I was unable to do so as this vault was in old format, I then followed instructions and recommenced attempt to upgrade. At set up page, this time I attempted to set up an account so as to see if that would allow me to import from Dropbox. It did not and I am now concerned that this will make the attempt to purchase standalone version of 1Password 7 (which is what I want) problematic. With no access to my passwords via 1 Password 7, despite following your instructions, I email Support. After automated email giving me the above ticket number, all I get is deafening silence.

I attempt to chance Support a day later - deafening silence continues.

In desperation, I attempt to uninstall 1 Password 7 and retrieve may 1Password 3 which was working. I can do this but Safari extensions no longer work.

Despite Support's lack of response, in desperation to get something functioning again, I download, pay for and install a standalone licence for 1Password 6 which will apparently recognise the old format Dropbox sync file so that I can at least have a functioning product which gives me full access to my passwords on the iMac (- I have not even started with the other devices). 1Password 6 installs and will sync with Dropbox. However, Safari extensions are still not functioning. When I attempt to install extensions under the 1Password 6 menu, these just give me the 1Password 7 extensions and they will still not function.

In an attempt to see if I can upgrade more readily from 1 Password 6 to 7 rather than 1 Password 3 to 7, I then attempt again to upgrade to 7. This time it seems to locate approximately half of the 200+ items in my data vault in 1 Password 6 but drops the remaining half. I therefore uninstall 1 Password 7 and re-install 1Password 6 with the non functioning Safari extensions.

Please, please will someone at you company provide some kind of meaningful support to enable me to recover this situation. I have bought two licences for your products neither of which are now properly functioning and for which, to date, I have had no support. I get numerous chatty and enthusiastic marketing emails from you trumpeting the merits of your upgrades and exhorting me to purchase the latest product and, when I am finally persuaded to do so, it is a disaster and no-one in Support seems to have an interest in doing just that.

From being a strong advocate of your product, I am very rapidly losing faith. You have happily taken my money, I now need something positive back in return by way of Support to fix this mess that has arisen despite following closely all your upgrade instructions.

1Password Version: 6.8.9
Extension Version: 4.7.1
OS Version: macOS Sierra 10.12.6
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:Upgrade from 1Password 3 to 1Password 7


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited June 2018

    Welcome to the forum, @SimonH14! I'm sorry for the trouble you've been having upgrading to 1Password 7 for Mac on your iMac. I'm also sorry for the delay in our response time. With the nearly-simultaneous release of 1Password 7 for Mac and 1Password 7 for Windows, we've experienced a huge spike in support requests, so, while we're working hard to get back to our usual speedy response times, there is indeed likely to be a delay at the moment.

    Regarding that? A couple of things: under normal conditions, we try to answer support requests in the order they were received. In email, the way our system determines how recent a "ticket" is, has to do with the time of the most recent reply. When you write in, you're last in the queue, but as time passes you get closer to the front. But if you send another email in before we have a chance to respond, then your email becomes the "most recent," so you're effectively pushing yourself to the back of the queue again.

    Also, I see my colleague Steve has been assisting you since the time you wrote this here. Let's keep the conversation going via email, if you don't mind; when we have to pause to try to coordinate multiple responses among multiple coworkers to the same question being asked across multiple points of contact (this forum, email, Twitter, etc), it increases the risk of confusion and slows down the support times for everyone, including you. Thanks! :)

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