Best way to move from 1Password 5 to 1Password 7

Community Member

Currently running 1P 5 on a MBPro running 10.11. Bought a new MBPro running 10.13.5 & starting from scratch with adding apps. Looks like 1P 7 is what I need to move to, but what is the best process to switch to 7 while retrieving and retaining my login data from 1P 5? I also am not interested in subscription, only the standalone. I do not see on the website where it is possible to purchase the standalone.

1Password Version: 5.4.3
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.13.5
Sync Type: dropbox


  • Hey @lddouthit, you can purchase a 1Password 7 license from within the 1Password 7 app after you install it. Regarding getting your 1Password 5 data into 1Password 7, did you restore your new Mac from your old one, or did you start it fresh? Meaning, do you know if your 1Password 5 data is on your new Mac yet? If so, 1Password 7 should automatically find your existing data. Let us know and we'll continue from there.

  • lddouthit
    Community Member
    edited June 2018

    No. Former Macbook had a much bigger hard drive, as I had customized over the years, but also was having issues both hard drive & possibly software too, so I thought it was time to start with a fresh clean mac! I do have the 1Password 5 data backed up and use the app on my iPhone as well. From what I have read in the forums, it looks like I might not be able to just import the old data? Is that correct or no? I have held off installing 7 so that I do the whole thing correclty.

    Thanks for the license info too.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @lddouthit - thanks for the additional info. If you're starting fresh (a wonderful feeling, isn't it?!), then you'll need to have some way to get your data 1Password data onto your shiny new MacBook Pro. There are a couple of ways to do this, and they depend upon the sync method you're using for your 1Password 5 data. What method of sync were you using?

  • lddouthit
    Community Member
    edited June 2018

    I was using Dropbox. And yes great feeling! Also exported a backup of 1 Password data since my old MB Pro is unpredictable.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @lddouthit - OK. So go ahead and install 1Password 7 for Mac on the new MBP. When you get the Welcome screen (like this):

    Choose Dropbox. If your data is in the older Agile Keychain format, you'll need to allow 1Password 7 to convert it to the newer OPVault format as part of the setup flow. If your sync keychain was already in the OPVault format, you should be set to go: just select it and enter your Master Password.

  • lddouthit
    Community Member

    There is no option to allow 1Password 7 to convert the keychsin format to the OPvault format. If I choose Dropbox, the keychain file if greyed out, with no other choices.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @lddouthit - ok. In that case, at the above screen, choose "More Options," and in the drop-down menu, choose "Create a Standalone vault." Give it the same Master Password as your old one (presuming it's strong and memorable). Once you've done that, go to 1Password 7's File menu and choose "Import." If it's greyed out, look for a button near the top right that says "Read Only." Click it to purchase a 1Password 7 for Mac license if you haven't done so yet. Once that's done, return to File > Import and choose the top option, "1Password Keychain." You'll be asked to choose the Agile Keychain file; navigate to it in your Dropbox folder, and import.

    Once you do that, your data should be imported. Now, you'll need to re-establish sync. Go to Preferences > Sync and choose Dropbox as your sync method. Do NOT attempt to select your older Agile Keychain, as this won't work. Allow 1Password to write out a new OPVault-format keychain into /Apps/1Password in your Dropbox folder. You'll also need to switch any other instances of 1Password that you have to using this new keychain. Let me know if you have any questions!

  • lddouthit
    Community Member

    Perfect! That worked like a charm...very easy. Now one last question. I did decide to go the subscription route! It never asked me for payment info, will it do that after the trial period? and will it allow a one time payment for the entire year? Thank you so much for all the help!

  • Hi @lddouthit

    Great! Thanks for your interest in 1Password membership. You can set up your subscription using this guide:

    Manage your 1Password subscription

    You'll want to do this before the 30 day trial period ends. :) If you don't your account will automatically freeze. You'll still be able to view all of your existing data, but will not be able to fill, or add/edit items.

    I hope that helps. Should you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to ask.


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