"Remove Redundant Generated Passwords" missing some items

Community Member
edited June 2018 in Mac

I have Login items and Password items for the same site with the same password that "Remove Redundant Generated Password" is failing to find. There was an earlier discussion of this in 2014 here: https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/21465/4-2-beta-8-remove-redundant-generated-passwords-not-working-as-expected
In that case, the problem was that the URL in the login was not exactly the same as the URL in the password.

I went through mine and after eliminating ones where the URLs do not match, I am left with 7 where they do match exactly.

In case one might suspect that I'm mistakenly seeing a match when there is not one, such as one of the passwords or URLs having a "1" where the other has an "l" or other similar character mimicry, I did not find these by hand. I did an export all fields as a csv file, using the default common fields (notes, password, title, type, URL, username), and then did this:

cut -d , -f 2,3,4,5 < all.csv | sort > lp
grep ',"Login",[^,]*$' lp > l
grep ',"Password",[^,]*$' lp > p
join -t , -1 1 -2 1 -o 1.2,1.4,2.4 l p > r

That extracts the password, title, type and URL fields from the exported CSV, sorts by password, then separates out the login items and password items into separate files, and then joins those files on the password field, and outputs the title, login URL, and password URL for the joined lines.

That gives me 37 logins with matching password items, but most of them do not have matching URLs. Running that file through this Perl filter:

while (<>)
    my @p = split /,/;
    next if $p[1] ne $p[2];
    print join("\t", @p), "\n";

takes care of that, leaving me the aforementioned 7. I can be fooled by character mimicry, but I hope join and Perl cannot!

I took one of the 7 password/login paris and exported them both in 1pif format, and edited the 1pif file to redact any sensitive information. Here is the redacted 1pif:

{"uuid":"REDACTED","updatedAt":REDACTED,"locationKey":"comcast.net","securityLevel":"SL5","contentsHash":"REDACTED","title":"comcast.net","location":"https:\/\/login.comcast.net\/login","secureContents":{"fields":[{"value":"REDACTED","type":"T","designation":"username","name":"user"},{"value":"REDACTED","type":"P","designation":"password","name":"passwd"},{"name":"","value":"Sign In","type":"B"}],"passwordHistory":[{"value":"REDACTED","time":REDACTED}],"sections":[{"fields":[{"k":"string","n":"REDACTED","v":"REDACTED","t":"REDACTED"}],"title":"security quesiton","name":"REDACTED"},{"title":"Related Items","name":"linked items"}],"URLs":[{"url":"https:\/\/login.comcast.net\/login"},{"label":"","url":"https:\/\/login.xfinity.com\/login"}]},"createdAt":REDACTED,"typeName":"webforms.WebForm"}

1Password Version: 7.0.4
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.13.5
Sync Type: 1Password account


  • Hi @tzs

    Interesting! Thanks for the detailed explanation of the problem and examples. I’m going to file an issue for our development team to investigate further. :)


    ref: apple-1705

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