Secure Note layout feedback

This discussion was created from comments split from: 1Password 7 fonts and layout.


  • glenn1p
    Community Member

    Secure Notes layout woe in 1Password 7


    I've got long lists that in 1Password 6 were

    Also, the contrast between label font and data font is lower than in 1Password 6 (labels are darker now?), or it appears that way because of the vertical layout. It's become more difficult pick out data at a glance.

    The ALL CAPS section titles are a very poor choice. (I think even Microsoft gave up all caps for labels, didn't they?) To spell it out, every word and letter becomes equally important with all caps, and words become more difficult to read.

    Empty label fields used to be a useful option. Not every item needs a label, and the less unnecessary text the better for readability. This option is gone. I've added spaces to get rid of some "label" placeholder text, but that leaves a blank line that breaks up the grouping of items in a section.

    In summary, these 4 changes have made my Secure Notes much harder to read:

    1. Vertical layout of labels & data
    2. Low contrast between label & data fonts
    3. Forced entry of unnecessary labels
    4. All caps in section titles

    All in all, I think your designers need to take a step back and rethink this layout.

  • Ben

    Hi @glenn1p,

    Thanks for the feedback on this. One of our designers, Dan, commented on a number of these points here:

    Disliking the new custom field layout — 1Password Forum

    But to summarize at least one of the points:

    The new vertical layout allows for much longer labels. For example, I store security questions and answers in custom fields. I used to have to do something like this:

    Q1 | What is your mother’s maiden name?
    A1 | something generated by 1Password’s Secure Password Generator
    Q2 | Where did you go to high school?
    A2 | etc...

    I basically had to invent labels that weren’t necessarily relevent to the data in order to fit things into 1Password. With the new layout I don’t need these extraneous labels... the security question itself becomes the label.

    That isn’t to say that we wouldn’t consider further improvements here. I’ll be happy to pass along your feedback to the team. :+1:


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