Logins created on mobile not syncing to Mac
When I create a login on iPhone, it does not gets synced to my Mac. I can log into 1Password and find the login in my vault, but the Mac has downloaded it. How can I force a refresh on 1Password for Mac to sync update from the online vault?
1Password Version: 1Password 7 Version 7.0.4 (70004001) AgileBits Sto
Extension Version:
OS Version: macOS 10.13.5
Sync Type: Membership
Referrer: forum-search:Logins created on mobile not syncing to Mac 1password 7
@jjstipe - sorry for the trouble you're experiencing just now. If you're using a 1password.com membership, syncing happens automatically, which makes me wonder, if one device is not syncing, whether you're using the same 1password.com account vaults everywhere. Can you please look in 1Password on your iPhone under Settings > Vaults and tell me all the vaults you see there? Then on the Mac in question, please do the same: go to Preferences > Vaults and let me know what you see there as well. Thanks!
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On iPhone, I have 5 vaults, 3 of which were included in All Vaults
On Mac, I have the same 5 vaults, but only 2 were in All Vaults
I have fixed iPhone so that is has only the same 2 vaults in All Vaults
The save vault is the same on both devices
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I added a login on the mobile app at 12:20 EDT and checked that it had synced up to my vault at 1Password.com. As of 13:00 EDT, it had not synced to the Mac app. I quit the Mac app leaving mini open and re-opened the Mac app; the login had not synced. I quit 1Password completely and re-opened 1Password. I was prompted for my master password. The login was then synced into the Mac App.
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@jjstipe - locking 1Password will force a sync (which is essentially what you're doing when you quit completely: locking 1Password). But in my own setup, changes appear nearly instantly between devices. Which means something's afoot with your specific setup. Changes/additions/deletions to your 1password.com vaults work like push notifications. When there's a change made on one device, it gets pushed to the 1password.com server. The server then lets the apps know they need to update. Any other instances of 1Password that can connect to the notifier will then initiate an update -- like was done when you restarted 1Password, which forced an update-check.
The only thing I've seen that can cause delays like the one you're having is the presence of network problems. Are both your iOS device and your Mac on the same internet connection, via wi-fi or ethernet? Do you have firewalls or other network monitoring tools in place on either device (Little Snitch, etc.)?
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I've done this at a couple different locations. At home and at work. The phone is on LTE, but the Mac is connected either via WiFi or wired Ethernet. There are of course network firewalls, but nothing resident on the Mac itself that would prevent it from getting a notification.
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@jjstipe - ok. And while I certainly believe you, something's causing that unexpected behavior. So, to get a better idea of what might be going on, I'd like to ask you to create some diagnostics reports, one from each of your devices.
https://support.1password.com/diagnostics/?iosPlease add the following code (including the square brackets) to the Subject line of your diagnostics email before sending it:
This will link your diagnostics to our current discussion. We'll take a look and let you know what we find out.
For anyone else reading, please note: this ID is for @jjstipe only. If you’re experiencing the same issue and need help, please ask us for your own ID.
ref: DPA-27311-383
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