Can't select part of a note in 1P7

Community Member

It is my standard practice to use a 1P generated pwd for answers to site security questions, which I would store as a note with a brief description of the the relevant question. If I get prompted with a security question I then navigate to the note section from mini and copypaste the needed text string. Sites usually want multiple questions, so typically there are 3-5 such strings in my note. This is now impossible in 1P7 as the entire note is treated as a single object - not possible to just select what I need unless I go into edit mode, which is a pain.

Can you re-instate the ability to just select part of a note?



1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @broken42

    The best I could suggest at the moment would be to use custom sections / fields to store this information. That is what I do. You can see an example here:

    We can certainly evaluate the notes section's behavior going forward, but I can't promise any changes.


  • broken42
    Community Member

    Thanks Ben,
    That approach works well - I hadn't considered it. I'm happy to leave notes as is given this :)
    My only comment would be that this might be a little complicated for the completely non-tech folks I've convinced to use 1P over the years. Given the prevalence of these questions perhaps more specific guidance being provided in the UI would be a good thing?

  • Thanks for the feedback. :)


  • MarshallW
    Community Member
    edited August 2018

    Hey Ben,

    Long time no talk!

    Just wanted to jump in here and give my 2 cents. This is definitely a step backwards - not being able to select a section of a note to copy. Especially since this HAS been the behavior for years. Kinda a PITA when things like this change. Not exactly a good user experience - but I know I'm preaching to the choir.

    I mean, why in the world would you want to copy an entire note? Yeah, yeah, I understand there are some use cases where this might be a good idea, but generally (at least the way I use the notes section) you would never want to copy the entire note.

    I'm jumping thru the hoops to set up the custom fields/sections, but this is far from intuitive to the less technically inclined. Sure as heck can't expect my mother to be able to do this, nor am I going to even attempt to explain. Just another case of 1P having 'features' that the layman find hard/impossible to use. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Thanks for listening and passing on the feedback.


  • Hey Marshall. 👋

    I'm testing this in the latest nightly build and I'm able to select individual words / portions of a note there. I see development closed the issue on their end a little more than a week ago, so if all goes well we should see a public build with this fixed soon. Fingers crossed. :)


    ref: apple-1754

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