Required to reenter Master Paster very time I open the on my MacBookPro even with it running

Community Member

Running OS X 10.12.6 and 1Password 6. Turn MacBookPro on, first attempt to enter a password on a website, enter MasterPasword as required and all is normal. After using the Mac for a while I leave the MacBook running but close the lid. Sometime later after reopening the MacBookPro's lid I want to login to a website requiring a password and 1Password comes up requiring me to enter the Master Password again. This happens every time I want to go to a website requiring a password even though I don't close the MacBookPro's lid. That's not the way 1Password is supposed to work. Please help!

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    I'm not entirely sure that I understand the situation, but that certainly sounds weird.

    Do take a look at the auto-lock setting in the Security tab of Preferences, and see what is set. You could try unchecking some of those settings. If that doesn't help, perhaps you should report here what the settings are.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @Fergy34! Sorry for the late reply to this one. @danco's suggestions are good ones: the behavior of 1Password's locking can vary greatly depending upon what you have set in Preferences > Security. Let us know if this problem is still not resolved.

  • Fergy34
    Community Member

    Team member: Yes, Danco's suggestion was right on so I thank Danco for knowing what happened. I never have 1Password locked for anything especially to require reentering the Master Password after the computer goes to sleep and those other items that are in the Security section. I have no idea of how they got changed. I'm glad my problem was a simple one - only it wasn't simple to me but now it is thanks for the forum and Danco. Thank you very much Danco, I really appreciate your reply. My 1 Password is working great just like it used to. I am now a happy camper thanks to both of you.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Fergy34 - That's excellent news! I'm glad @danco was able to help you get things squared away. :)

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