1Password X or Browser (Firefox) Extension?

Community Member
edited July 2018 in 1Password in the Browser

Hey all,

I just found out that there is something called 1Password X and that it's also a browser extension. However, I'm a little confused on what the difference between 1Password X and the browser+desktop app?

Which one should I be installing going forward? It seems like 1Password X has more function versus the browser addon. If I install 1Password X, should I uninstall the browser addon?

In terms of security, which is more secure for a private/personal computer?

1Password Version: 7.0.7
Extension Version:
OS Version: OS X 10.13.5
Sync Type: 1Password


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @TheMokaPot: Good question! 1Password X is a self-contained extension that runs entirely within the browser, which is very useful in some situations, and many people also like its simplicity. On the other hand, the desktop extensions work in conjunction with the native Mac and Windows versions of 1Password, so they can access OS-level features like biometrics, and also work outside the browser. If you're in that camp, you can actually use either — or both. It's really a matter of preference. And both are secure, as your data is always encrypted using your Master Password. I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

  • chazzunokuthunuchtec
    Community Member

    Curious whether 1Password X for Firefox is "ready". Most information says it requires Chrome.

    If I watch the YouTube video about 1Password X it says it requires Chrome. If I go to the 1Password website and login and choose to get the apps the only option for 1Password X is adjacent to Chrome.

    Yet I see some written information about updates for both Firefox and Chrome. Thus I don't know whether it is "ready" for Firefox (stable vs beta). Also don't know whether 1Password is moving away from the browser extensions, or truly just providing these as alternatives and leaving both as viable.

    Along these lines, I don't know whether a 1Password X for Safari is being made?

  • zizheng
    Community Member

    I think 1Password X for Firefox is more than "ready". The first stable version was released quite a while ago, and I've been using 1PX on FF ever since the first beta came out, and have yet to come across any serious bugs (but sometimes there could be minor UI glitches).

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @zizheng: There will always be bugs, but not really any showstoppers currently. Firefox has some differences from Chrome that we need to better account for, but we'll have more updates for all 1Password X users before long. And no matter what, we're constantly working to improve it so it's smarter about filling, and even more enjoyable to use. :)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @chazzunokuthunuchtec: The stable release of 1Password X is available for both Chrome and Firefox, and we link to both in the guide:

    Get to know 1Password X

    1Password X was developed for Chrome first, but a Firefox version was developed recently as well. Betas are not currently available for Firefox, but we do hope to offer that option again in the future.

    Regarding Safari, since it doesn't support the WebExtensions standard like Chrome and Firefox do, it is impossible to release 1Password X there in its current form. We'd have to develop a completely separate version of it, and I'm not even certain that would be possible given the limitations of Safari's extension APIs. We would like to have 1Password X there though, so it's something we'll continue to explore, and perhaps we can find a way in the future.

    We're definitely not moving away from browser extensions though. We continue to develop our desktop extension, which works with the Mac and Windows apps, and 1Password X is a new "self-contained" extension that runs entirely in the browser, so that folks without the apps can also enjoy 1Password.

    Anyway, I hope this helps clarify, but be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

  • cipri_tom
    Community Member

    Came here to ask exactly that, as I have recently discovered the 1Password X extension.

    I was wondering if you could highlight what does the combination Desktop App + "normal" extension offer as opposed to the self-contained 1Password X browser extension. Or the other way around.

    Here is what I have discovered after a few days with the X:

    • X does not offer to save passwords automatically. So if you log into a new website and forgot to click save, tough luck. You have to sign out and redo the process, remembering to click "save".
    • X does not detect updated password
    • X always opens the website to edit/add your items, which is slower than using the desktop app
    • X can better detect signup forms and offer generated password
    • X form dropdown takes over browser form input. Since I'm a new user, the browser knows my past usernames, as opposed to 1Password). Didn't have this problem with the normal extension, as it would only kick in on form submit
  • Mitch

    Hi @cipri_tom,

    Thanks for sharing your review of 1Password X. It's always good to hear about what the strengths and weaknesses are so we can improve the experience.

    I see a lot of your pain points concern saving. We share the desire to make it work better. There are technical and design challenges involved in adding auto-save to a browser extension — the other 1Password extension uses the desktop app to help out — but we have ideas of how to work around them. I hope we'll have some good news for you soon. :)

    By the way, if you update your password, 1Password X will automatically select the correct item to update when you click Save. But you do have to click Save, first.


  • cipri_tom
    Community Member

    Thank you, Mitch, for the fast reply.

    Indeed, as a new user, I want the saving to work well.

    In any case, I find it great that there is a choice between the X and the companion extension! I'll stay with the latter for now, but maybe one day the X can borrow some functionality from the companion and integrate with the desktop app if it detects it ? At least for biometric unlocking (TouchID on Mac).

    All the best,

  • Mitch

    Touch ID support and better integration with the desktop app are also being worked on, and we'll do our best to get them to you soon. :)

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