Feature Request: Allow users to increase text size

Community Member

Really loving 1Password 7 for Mac, but I would like an option to bump up the text size to be more readable. I subscribed to 1Password Families and am in the process of helping my father get set up, but he finds the text far too small to read. He has no problems with the iOS version since that supports "Dynamic Type" (the OS level text size setting), but the Mac version is unusable for him.

Here is a mockup showing how such a thing can be implemented on macOS version.

The text size slider seen here is based off macOS Messages app, the Notes app has same thing too. (Some other third party apps offer text size options in a dropdown menu like "Tweetbot" for example.) But either way, text size options would be much appreciated. Please consider this, it is very important for some users.

1Password Version: 7.0.7
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.13.5 (17F77)
Sync Type: 1Password Families


  • Thanks for the suggestion, @SeanPM. Hopefully in the future macOS will support a system-wide text scaling option. In the mean time this may be an option we can look into.


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