1Password7 is slowing down my workflow and it grates on me 100 times a day

Community Member

Let me establish -- I'm not a newbie or hater. I've been using 1Password since version 3, I have 2 business teams and a family account. I've convinced most members of my extended familiy to use it, as well as companies I've worked for currently and in the past. I'm QUITE a fan.

I've been using 1Password7 since beta -- which I had to uninstall since it broke some fill capabilities.. but I've been using 7 since shortly after it was officially released.

I don't now for sure, but I'm pretty sure I interact with 1Password 100+ times a day. I have 3700+ items in my system, and I use it for everything. Since 7 was released, I've found it has hindered my workflow quite a lot.. and each time I must interact with it, I'm just frustrated. Each. And. Every. Time.

Negative feedback is not useful it it does not include some information, so I'll spend some time here identifying some of my biggest gripes.

Lets talk about sites that don't have a single username+password page. They raise a popup, or they show username, then a new page, then password, etc. These all require multiple trips to the 1password icon. In the past, I would click the anchor.. it was a SINGLE CLICK, and I had a floating window, i'd fill in my stuff, close it, and move one. In 7, I click the icon, then I have to click the right arrow to focus (I guess), THEN I can click the "multiple paper looking icon" thingy and get my window back.

This is 1 extra click. i'm such a winer, but I do this many many times a day.. and many days a week -- 7 -- and it adds up to a visceral loathing each time, since I used to be able to do this with a quick click.

Here is an actual hard-core usability issue. My login names are LONGER THAN SAY 20 Characters. Didn't know that was a crime, but the folks at Agile bits must have determined it was something requiring punishment.. since they limited the sidebar width to 20 chars, and made it NOT DRAGGABLE.

I can't tell the difference between the two items above.. I can click on one to focus it, then I can tell, but this example is simple. Searching for IAM, I have no fewer than 50 items.. oops.

One more item I'll mention.
I used to be able to right-click on the 1Password icon and pick 'open 1password' -- for those things that you can't do in the temporary dialog. Now, I must click, load one dialog (which, due to all of the new 'fancy' icons is noticeably slower -- I'd prefer minimalist/fast personally), THEN I can clock on the gear and open 1password. Again, this comes down to a general slowing down of the old workflow.

Most of my complains come from the fact that using 1Password7 is a slower workflow experience than 6 and previous. I'm happy with many of the updates.. but, slowing my workflow down is not cool in my opinion.

1Password Version: 7.0.7
Extension Version: latest
OS Version: 10.13.5
Sync Type: Teams/Family



  • Richard35
    Community Member


    I just came to complain about the missing anchor and the extra step too but kutenai_id did a good job so I'll just second the post.
    The anchor is really a time-saver: please put it back in.

  • @Richard35, @kutenai_id,

    The anchor isn't gone at all, it just doesn't look like an anchor anymore.

    Also available as "open in separate window" under the item menu.

  • kutenai_id
    Community Member

    @rudy - I know about that button, but as I stated above, it isn't available at the first level. I have to click
    and then, I can click

    What I could do quickly, I now have to go through another dialog and an extra click.

  • @kutenai_id,

    what happens if you press cmd-o with the fill row highlighted?

  • kutenai_id
    Community Member

    That pops the window out.. nice trick. I'll use that from now on.

  • :+1: :)


  • OscarGong
    Community Member

    Also, 1Password 7 unlock speed is way slower than 1Password 6 in Mac.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    I had that experience with earlier releases, but we improved performance in 7.0.5. As always, your mileage may vary based on your setup, but we'll continue to optimize 1Password 7 with future updates. Thanks for the feedback.

  • neonox
    Community Member

    The performance of 1Password 7 is very bad. I have around 1.000 items in my vault and 1Password needs about 2-3 seconds to react. With 1Password 6 it just worked instantly. Also the issue with HTTP auths is annoying (not fixed since weeks) and 1Password mini in general is bad designed because you cann't see the full title of an item, which is essential!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    The performance of 1Password 7 is very bad. I have around 1.000 items in my vault and 1Password needs about 2-3 seconds to react. With 1Password 6 it just worked instantly.

    @neonox: What do you mean by "react"? What's the specific context?

    Also the issue with HTTP auths is annoying (not fixed since weeks)

    Can you tell me what issue you're having?

    and 1Password mini in general is bad designed because you cann't see the full title of an item, which is essential!

    1Password mini didn't show the full item title in earlier versions either unless it was relatively short.

  • neonox
    Community Member

    @brenty: React: right now I can't reproduce the behavior. I will give feedback when this occurs again.

    HTTP auths:

    When this window is focused the shortcut for 1Password Mini doesn't work any I have to click on the desktop or another app to open 1Password Mini. I know, that 1Password can't fill-in the field but it should at least open as it did in 1Password 6.

    About the design: I'm talking about the sidebar which is just a bad design decision because there is no room for the title which is essential when selecting a password. I have websites with 20 and more credentials and now it's hard to go through each item to find the right one.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @neonox: Thanks for clarifying! That HTTP Auth issue is something we're investigating.

    ref: apple-1338

    And personally, I'd like the sidebar to be resizable. I can't promise any specific changes at this time, but we're looking into a number of tweaks to the new design based of usr feedback. Thank you for sharing yours!

  • benlake
    Community Member

    I was preparing to post the exact same topic. I can attest to the "react" sentiment. I'm on a fresh iMac Pro and moving to 1Password 7 has been rough. Every interaction via the mini icon, clicking the search bar, typing in the search bar (pauses while it tries to incrementally search), is very laggy and frustrating. I only have 583 items, so I don't think quantity is related.

    Default behavior decisions have gone backwards in usability. As the OP stated, having the on-demand window accessed from the mini icon not stay open for those hard-to-fill sites is annoying; especially when coupled with the multiple seconds to re-init the popup! I hate that clicking on the entries attempts to fill, thus hides the popup, instead of expanding the entry and allowing me to select individual elements OR click a Fill button. Additionally, the ">" icon in an entry doesn't consistently render, so I have to use KB arrow keys to navigate away and back, then mouse click ">", say copy password or something, and poof; repeat rage for next field.

    When making a new entry, changing the field type to Password doesn't show the auto-gen password Gear until I navigate away from the field, and I must have entered something in the field when leaving focus or it still doesn't work. I used to be able to tab my way through filling and field type changes nicely; no longer.

    Being able to generate and fill a password from the mini icon drop down was fantastic; again, no longer. I have to wait for the popup, wait for it to resolve nothing because I'm obviously on a new site, then click the password generator, then fill. If y'all don't restore the mini icon's menu, please add a context menu option on fields for invoking a password auto-gen mini-window.

    I know I've missed things. Like the OP, I've been using and evangelizing 1Password for a long time. Right now, I would absolutely hesitate to recommend it. Especially to anyone not computer savvy and thus has a low tolerance for awkward behavior.

    Maybe I'm now using 1Password wrong? Is there a video to show the expected workflow developed in 1P7? Maybe y'all need to reset old user's behavior expectations. I could absolutely understand if there was a flow redesign, but some of us aren't understanding it or are getting stuck when using past behaviors.

    Not trying to be a whiny customer. I just want to see an awesome piece of software stay awesome. Cheers,

  • neonox
    Community Member
    edited August 2018

    I really hate the new 1Password mini so much! It's impossible to work with this +#. And after 2 months there is no fix available and even the HTTP auth bug is still not fixed!

    To be more specific: the biggest issue with 1Password Mini is when you search something - you can not read the title!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @benlake: Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this as well. I'm not seeing the kinds of delays that you describe here even on my old school MacBook, but we'll continue to optimize the new version to make it more efficient, even as we make adjustments to the design as well. Thanks for mentioning a few areas where you'd like to see us improve things.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @neonox: I disagree that it's "impossible to work with" since I've been using it for hours a day since before it was even a public beta. But I'm sorry that the new design doesn't agree with you. We'll keep iterating on the design, and though we cannot please everyone, hopefully you'll find it more to your liking as we release future versions.

    I'm not sure what you mean by this though:

    HTTP auth bug is still not fixed!

    Or this:

    To be more specific: the biggest issue with 1Password Mini is when you search something - you can not read the title!

    Can you elaborate?

  • benlake
    Community Member

    @brenty I installed 10.13.6 on August 18th, and after that reboot the delays have vanished. Is it possible there were some bus/event delays happening which I perceived as 1Password being slow, but was actually it simply not getting the memo in a timely manner?

    Thanks for listening.

  • neonox
    Community Member
    edited August 2018

    @brenty is there any way to send you screenshots privately to show you the issue with 1Password Mini?

    Abouth HTTP auth but:

    Screenshot URL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cyfceg3aiboy1hh/Screenshot 2018-08-22 20.21.25.png?dl=0

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited August 2018

    @neonox: Sure! Send them in an email to support+forum@1password.com and post the Support ID here. I'll be happy to look into it. :)

    Also, thanks for clarifying the other issue. I didn't know what you meant at first since this isn't specific to HTTP Auth but is a broader issue involving 1Password trying (and failing) to get the active URL (which is unavailable with a modal dialog like HTTP Auth, without any browser windows open, and some other scenarios). We're looking for a solution to that, and I've shared your interest with the team. Would you be willing to try a beta?

    ref: apple-1113

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @benlake: That's the best news I've heard all day, because I've been scratching my head trying to figure out why it felt okay on my machine, even with thousands of items. I think your theory is as good as any, even if we'll never know for sure. To be clear, we'll still be working to streamline things. Just glad that you're not experiencing that kind of sluggishness any longer. That would drive me nuts too. :)

  • neonox
    Community Member

    @brenty support ID: [#UNX-45894-625]

  • benlake
    Community Member

    @brenty I just checked searching as well for that lag. It is not nearly as bad now. It doesn't downright pause, but it is still choppy. I think the delay between the user stopping input and a search attempt needs to be a tad longer. I find it attempting to search for every character to be unnecessary cycles; it's never accurate enough with 2-3 characters.

    Whatever was effecting the mini-icon click to popout load time was also interrupting the the live search.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @benlake: Interesting. Thanks for the additional details! My experience with customers has mainly been that people expect 1Password to search (and update results) as soon as they type (if possible) rather than delay, but perhaps there's a fine line there. Something to consider. :)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @neonox: Thanks! I see that we've received your email, so we can continue the conversation there. We'll get back to you shortly! :)

    ref: UNX-45894-625

  • kutenai_id
    Community Member

    I started this thread originally, and surprised at how it hit a nerve for a few other users.

    I have one more beef regarding 1Password mini. I have a MacPro with 3 external monitors. Using 1Password mini I clock on one desktop, but the mini loads on a different screen.. grrrrrrrrr. In the old 1P, it dropped right below where I was clicking. Now I have to hunt around to find it.. Just one more "this sucks" issue with 1P7

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @kutenai_id: I'm sorry to hear that. Is that maybe the screen that you have the main 1Password open on already, or you've assigned 1Password to a space there?

  • neonox
    Community Member

    @kutenai_id I have two monitors and 1Password Mini works fine, just check your settings, see:

  • kutenai_id
    Community Member

    That does not fix anything. 1Passsword mini screen show sup on the "main" monitor, not the one I'm clicking on. I have spaces setup to have a unique space for each monitor (maybe you don't have that), so I have a menubar on each monitor. Generally, with other tools, the "tool" opens on the monitor where I click the menu item. with 1PMini, this is NOT the case, it opens in the middle of the "primary" monitor.. also, nowhere near the menu... in the 'middle', which is another annoyance. all other apps open "near the menu", as 1PMiini USED to do.

  • kutenai_id
    Community Member

    That does not fix anything. 1Passsword mini screen show sup on the "main" monitor, not the one I'm clicking on. I have spaces setup to have a unique space for each monitor (maybe you don't have that), so I have a menubar on each monitor. Generally, with other tools, the "tool" opens on the monitor where I click the menu item. with 1PMini, this is NOT the case, it opens in the middle of the "primary" monitor.. also, nowhere near the menu... in the 'middle', which is another annoyance. all other apps open "near the menu", as 1PMiini USED to do.

  • neonox
    Community Member

    With "Spaces" do you mean several desktops on several monitors? Because I have 3-5 Desktops on Monitor A and 2-3 Desktops on Monitor B.

This discussion has been closed.