Can two independent 1password users share passwords with each other.

Community Member

Bob has a 1Password account - it may be personal, family, team or business account.
Alice has a 1Password account. It may be a personal, family team or business acount.
The accounts for Bob and Alice are not related in any way. Not the same family, team or business account.

Is there any way in 1Password for Bob and Alice to share passwords with each other?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @pfp! Nicely phrased question. :)

    The short answer is yes, but probably not in the way it sounds like you're hoping. But first I'll need a bit more clarification in order to give you a good answer that doesn't contain extraneous stuff you don't want:

    1. Do Bob and Alice wish to be able to sync these shared passwords with one another (i.e. - if Bob changes the password for record X, should it update automatically on Alice's devices?
    2. Are Bob and Alice both users of Apple products and regularly in the same physical location as one another?
    3. Are both Bob and Alice users of ONLY their account(s), or do they each have standalone vaults as well?
    4. Are Bob and Alice's accounts Individual accounts, or do they belong to a 1Password Families or 1Password Teams account?
    5. If the latter, are Bob and/or Alice administrators (or family organizers) on their respective accounts?
  • pfp
    Community Member
    1. yes.
    2. users of Apple products - yes. Regularly in the same location - no
    3. No standalone vaults
    4. Both are individual accounts
  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @pfp - in that case, the answer to your question is: no. If Bob or Alice were an administrator or family organizer of a 1Password Teams or 1Password Families account, (s)he could invite the other to be a guest on their account. Guests are different from adding a new member to the account - guests do not have full member rights, they can't see/use the shared vault and they don't cost anything extra to invite to the account (unless you have over 5 total). But if they are two individual accounts, then no, there is currently no way to share passwords between two different accounts, except via Apple iMessage or AirDrop -- but these are insecure (unencrypted) and it's a one-way transfer; no sync. Bob and Alice would each have a copy of the item...but if either one changed anything in their copy (or at the site itself, it was a Login item), it would not be reflected in the other's copy.

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