Tabs opening in separate user account

This discussion was created from comments split from: Can no longer use 1P extension from second account - Standalone license.


  • rlh
    Community Member
    edited July 2018

    I am running 1Password 7.07 on macOS 10.12.6 (Sierra, not High Sierra) and if two users are logged in then using 1Password mini to open a site (via click on 1Password icon on Safari toolbar, select site via list of Logins, click to have Safari open new tab and login) causes the same tab (but no password filled in) to open in the background account.

    I actually held off upgrading to v7 due to this very issue and when everyone reported a fix in the 7.0.5 Beta I finally did the upgrade (but directly to 7.0.7 during that rapid-fire release event).

  • JoeBloeC7
    Community Member

    Hey rlh, I do not have that problem. I am running 1P v 7.07 and macOS 10.13.6. Maybe the Mac update would solve your problem?

  • rlh
    Community Member
    edited July 2018

    I posted here:

    Still can't use 1Password when multiple users logged in to my Mac using Safari#Comment_448558

    that I'm still seeing the Fast User Switching problem in v7.0.7. But reading the symptoms in this thread I should point out it's a different behavior.

    In my case, the foreground user doesn't notice any problem; it works as it should. But the background user's frontmost Safari window gets copies of all tabs opened in that process too. It doesn't matter who logged in or used 1Password first. It works the same way for both users, seemingly flawless 1Password behavior for the person using the Mac and then when the second person switches to his account multiple tabs are open in Safari based on the other user's actions.

    Maybe why so many reported this "fixed" in 7.0.5?

    Edit: need to point out I'm using a Families account, not Standalone per the title of this thread.

  • rlh
    Community Member

    Upgrading to High Sierra might be a solution but not one I'm willing to do in this particular Mac (at this time). But it's a good data point...

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @rlh: I don't believe what you're describing is at all related to the topic of this discussion, which was a known issue when using Fast User Switching on macOS to use 1Password and Safari in a second user account when they were already running in the first. That was addressed in 7.0.5, and we haven't had reports of people having this issue since then.

    I think you may be describing a separate, confusing issue with Safari 11.1 though. Can you take a look at this and see if it helps?

    Open-and-Fill with Safari 11.1

    Unless I'm misunderstanding your description, you'll have the same problem whether you have multiple users or just one. Let me know what you find.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @rlh: Your description doesn't sound at all like the issue with Fast User Switching that was addressed in 7.0.5. It sounds like something different. But either way trying to have the same conversation in multiple places just slows down the support process for everyone — including you. So let's continue troubleshooting your specific issue in a single place.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @rlh: I've merged your posts into a single new thread here. When you say that tabs are opening in another user account, what exactly is opening there? Also, please let me know the browser and extension versions you're using. Thanks in advance!

  • rlh
    Community Member

    @brenty: Apologies about double posting my problem; I posted the second time when I decided I needed to post details in a better context. I should have gone back and deleted the first post.

    You are correct that this problem is not the same as what was previously reported and then fixed in 7.0.5 but since Fast User Switching (FUS) was involved I was wondering if it was related, or even a by-product of the fix.

    From any user’s perspective—when that user is using it in the foreground—1Password appears to work flawlessly, regardless of whether there are 1 or 2 users logged in. The buggy behavior is that duplicate tabs are being opened in the background user’s account (and obviously only noticed later when that second user FUSes to his account). These duplicate tabs are opened to the login page of whichever sites the previous user visited. Other, non-1Password site visits are not duplicated across accounts.

    So in my case where this iMac sort of “belongs” to my wife, she can be on it most of the day and then when I get a moment to switch to my account there may be 6 or more additional tabs open in Safari. Not only is this inconvenient, it’s a privacy leak in that I have a visual record of her browsing history (at least for sites where she logged in with 1Password).

    Note that this works both directions. It doesn’t matter who logged in first, etc. If both accounts are logged in, foreground user activity gets duplicated to the background user’s Safari. So in my example above, if I log in, close the duplicate tabs created by my wife’s activity, then use 1Password to login someplace, she’ll see my activity when she gets back on.

    Steps to recreate:

    1. Start with newly rebooted iMac, macOS 10.12.6 (Sierra), all latest updates installed, running 1Password 7.0.7 (with Show 1Password in the menu bar checked).
    2. User1 logs in, opens Safari (the default browser, version 11.1.2 and 1Password extension 4.7.1) and navigates to any web site(s). Leave the window open with Safari running. (Some potentially relevant Safari settings: Open pages in tabs instead of windows: Automatically, Block pop-up windows. 1Password preferences include: Always keep 1Password Extension Helper running. And despite recommendations from the referenced post about open-and-fill focus we use the following settings in 1Password: Submit Logins, Open URLs in New Window > New Tab).
    3. User2 uses FUS to log in to her account, opens Safari and begins browsing. She logs into a web site using 1Password with the following steps: click on 1Password extension on Safari toolbar, click on Logins and scroll to desired SiteA, click on SiteA, it opens in a new tab, it proceeds to log in (depending on site some additional interaction may be required such as clicking again to submit the password if that field was hidden).
    4. User2 can repeat this going to SiteB, SiteC, etc. She may or may not log out of or close tabs for sites A-C.
    5. User1 then uses FUS to return to his desktop. His Safari window now has 3 new tabs open, one for each of SiteA, SiteB, and SiteC. The sites are NOT logged in, but rather sitting at the login pages with NO credentials filled in. (Note: one variable I’m trying to track down is that if User2 opens SitesA-C back to back, then User1 only sees SiteC in his Safari, but if User1 opens Site A via 1Password, then opens a tab and goes to some random page, then uses 1Password to log onto Site B, then User1 will have two tabs, one for each of SiteA and SiteB).
    6. User1 closes the erroneous tabs and uses 1Password to open SiteM and SiteN.
    7. User2 logs on via FUS and sees tabs in her Safari for SiteM and N.

    Note: I have not yet tried the numerous variations on above (using Cmd-\ to fill instead of mouse clicks or using Search to find a site vs. scrolling and clicking) to see if the behavior changes. Nor have I tested what might happen if User1 logs into a site that is open in a tab on User2’s account.

    Please let me know if I left any important details out.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @rlh: No worries! Thanks for your patience, and for reporting this in the first place. Definitely a confusing issue, so the detailed steps were incredibly helpful. I'm really sorry about this, but we'll figure out what's causing the behaviour and get it fixed. :blush:

    ref: apple-1838

  • rlh
    Community Member

    @brenty Just wanted to let you know that I recently upgraded this machine to High Sierra (10.13.6) and the behavior still occurs.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @rlh: Indeed, I'm sorry for the trouble. The bad news is that we're not going to be able to fix this, technically. The good news is that it doesn't matter, because we're switching to a Safari app extension in the near future, so the problem will just go away. Thanks for your patience.

This discussion has been closed.