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How many times can I change my master password?

Community Member

I started using 1Password about three weeks ago, and I have already changed my master password a few times because it was too long and hard to type. I thought my current one would be OK, but I am finding that I often have to try many times to get it right. I remember reading on your site that it was best never to change the master password so I am not sure what to do.

If I do end up changing it, should I do anything else, like regenerating my master-key? What does that do?


  • Anna

1Password Version: 7.07
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.13.5
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    If you should happen to lose your Master Password, AgileBits cannot reset it for you, your data is gone. So it is not advisable to change the password, as that makes it more likely that you will forget it. But there is no technical reason why can't change it as often as you want.

    You really need to work out a password that is strong and easy for you to remember.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @anna212: Indeed, generally it's best to choose a long, strong, unique Master Password and stick with it, for a few reasons:

    1. If it's already long, strong, and unique, there's no need to change it unless it is compromised (e.g. you tell your dentist while you're high on novocaine — joking)
    2. Using the same one will, over time, make it easier to remember and type
    3. Conversely, you and your fingers will find it harder to forget a Master Password you've used for a long time, and you'll make less mistakes :)

    That said, it's really a very personal matter. No one can really tell you if it's worth sticking with what you have already, or going back to the drawing board. Only you can make that call. You may find this article helpful in coming up with one that is a good fit for you though:

    How to choose a good Master Password

    If you were previously using a weak (or compromised) Master Password, changing it is a good first step, but you may also want to delete backups of the data that was encrypted using the old Master Password, to eliminate those as a potential risk.

    Anyway, I hope this helps. But be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

  • anna212
    Community Member

    Thanks for the clarification that there is no technical reason not to change it. My PW was not compromised. I just get frustrated typing it, and I feel like I'm getting worse at it. :| But, I'll stick with it for now and see if my accuracy improves.

  • Using 1Password should not be a frustrating experience, so if you’re really having trouble typing your Master Password it may be worth changing. That said for all the reasons mentioned above we wouldn’t recommend changing it frequently. A words based / diceware password may provide adequite strength while improving ease of entering it.


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @anna212: Hey, I have days like that too. :) If it's any consolation, if you occasionally have trouble entering your own Master Password correctly, that's probably a good sign that it also won't be easy for someone else to guess. If you haven't already, you may want to consider a random word-based password like Ben suggested, as those can be both easier to remember/type and secure. We recommend using four randomly-chosen words (which 1Password can hep you with — let me know if you have questions!) but even three has proven difficult for attackers to guess when chosen at random. :)

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