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Macbook clean reinstall - 1password account frozen

Community Member

I did a clean install of my Macbook today an whenever I do this I add my 1password Backup, License etc again and all is fine.
Well, not this time.
After installing the newest version of 1password and adding my Backup file I just have read status. my account is frozen and the App wants me to add billing informations.
License is shown in 1password, emergency data are added..... I don't get it
As I wrote, I never had these probs before
I bought my License in 2016.... Would be nice if any from support could help me with that

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @b0gus: Thanks for reaching out. I’m sorry for the confusion! A license does not apply to a membership, which is what is "frozen": you signed up for a 30 day trial and it ended. That’s the only way you’ll have a Secret Key or Sign In URL, or be able to access your data through Instead, you can use 1Password without an account, with your existing license and data, and sync your data from another device or create a new vault. I've resent your license information via email, so just follow the instructions there to register the app.

    However, you may want to consider a membership, since it gives you access to all of the apps, the web interface, and does away with license management and sync configuration altogether — you simply login to your account to authorize a device and access your data. You can try it for free for 30 days to take advantage of all of its benefits. Either way, let me know if you have any questions. :)

  • b0gus
    Community Member

    Hello. thanks for your answer and sending me the Mail. Appreciated
    I wanted to install an older Version using my backup with it but that did not work. Don't ask me why.
    After all I bought a 1password 7 standalone license, a membership may include more features but its just another sub on my bill... simple said ;)
    I´m not happy at all about it just because i was thinking my older license will last longer, like other user around here I thought its a lifetime one also because it was nowhere written its not.
    Well, everyone needs to make money, just fair.
    I like the app, simple to use and it does what I need. Now! I have in mind that one day ;) I will, maybe, have to buy another license again.
    Thanks for 1password

  • Hi @b0gus,

    If you look at your license you'll note that it is marked as being for a particular version, rather than a particular time frame (e.x. "1Password 6 for Mac"). Licenses don't expire but they are limited to the version that they are purchased for, whereas a membership gives you access to all of the latest 1Password applications.

    Thanks for your purchase of 1Password 7. We've put a lot of time and effort into it and I hope you find the value it provides well outweighs the price. :)


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