Master Password Problems

Community Member

I'm having a strange issue with my 1password master password and desktop apps. When I type my password in it does not work on my Mac or PC app. However, if I paste it in, it works fine. It also works fine when I enter it on my iPhone or the web. This is really strange. I've tried several times and different computers.

1Password Version: 7.0.7
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: os x 10.13.6
Sync Type:


  • danbaxtr
    Community Member

    Odd, it wasn't working all night now it's working. I must have tried 20 times.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @danbaxtr! Thanks for the update. That's excellent news! I’d like to be able to say I’m glad I helped you get things squared away, but since you appear to have solved the problem by yourself, I can’t hardly claim any credit for it. :-) However, around here, we’ve learned to call a win a win whether we had a hand in it or not.

    So, congratulations! Keep an eye on things and please let us know if the problem recurs or if there's anything further we can do to assist you. Otherwise, have a great week, and thanks for being a 1Password customer!

  • spectravet
    Community Member

    I'm having the same issue: My master passphrase is not accepted when I type it directly into the master password field, whether on the Mac desktop app, iPhone app, or on my.1Password, but it is accepted if I type it into Notes (or a Word doc, or using TextEdit) and then copy and paste it.

    To minimize the likelihood that I've been mis-typing the passphrase, I've typed it out in e.g. Notes while not looking at the screen – so as to mimic the blinded 'dots only' password entry field in the desktop app and my.1Password. I've then copied and pasted (without first error checking) into the password field, and successfully opened my account.

    I've also watched closely while typing it into the iPhone app, and confirmed that what I want to type is what my fingers are actually typing...

    After having now been through this process multiple times – basically every time I've tried unsuccessfully (which is EVERY time I've tried!) to open 1Password by typing in my passphrase, plus a bunch of additional times for practice – I'm absolutely certain that I've been typing it correctly in the app and on the web.

    I'm using 1Password desktop Version 7.2.1 (70201001) with Mojave 10.14, and iPhone app 7.2.1 with iOS 12.1.

    My passphrase is 20 words, caps and lower case, with 94 characters including spaces, apostrophes, a comma and a period. There are no 'special' characters (No! That's not true!! EVERY character is special – never let anyone tell you otherwise!).

    Going to give it one more try... And... Nope! Still not accepting a typed passphrase.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @spectravet! There are a few things that might be in play here. First of all, with a passphrase that long, it's easier that it seems to mis-type something, especially on a small iPhone virtual keyboard. I have a Master Password considerably shorter than that, and I'm sometimes amazed at how many times I have to enter it before I get it right. Also, in either of your apps, it's possible you have a Primary (standalone) vault which might have a different Master Password than the one you chose for your account. Before you created your account, did you have older, standalone data, and was your Master Password different from the one you chose for your account?

    Without doing a much deeper dive into things, I'd want to focus on attempting to access your account in a browser. Please continue to try it, since - as you see from the earlier post in this thread - it's quite easy to mistype something many times (20 at least, according to the previous poster). To be clear, there is literally no way a Master Password could work only some of the time, since the entry you type into that field is used to create the encryption key used to decrypt your data. It either works or it doesn't; there's no "intermittent" or "sometimes" to it. Let us know how you get on, and if it still doesn't work, we'll see what might be going on with your specific device(s).

  • spectravet
    Community Member

    Lars, thanks for responding.

    Unfortunately, the problem isn't intermittent:

    • Every time I type the passphrase directly into the web form or the app, if is rejected.

    • Every time I first type it into Notes or TextEdit, etc., and then copy and paste, it works.

    This morning I tried four times to type it directly into the web form. No go.

    Next, I typed my passphrase a dozen times into Notes, with the screen covered by a note pad so I could not see what I was typing, and watching only the keyboard as I do when typing into the web form.

    I then selected one of the dozen at random, without first checking to see if it was correct, copied and pasted it into the web form, and it worked. Looking now at the rest that I typed in Notes, they're all correct.

    I'm not a statistician, but surely the odds of four bad attempts in a row with the problematic entry method versus twelve good ones in a row with the known-to-be-good method are slim – especially when considered along with the numerous other attempts that have turned out the same way.

    I am a technician, though, so I've applied a bit of fault-find mojo...

    I typed the first few words of the passphrase into the web form, copied/pasted the next six words (two of which have apostrophes), and then typed the rest. This was accepted.

    However, when I tried again with the opposite approach – I copied/pasted the words that don't have apostrophes, and typed in only those that do – the passphrase was rejected.

    I then typed all but the apostrophized words, which I copied/pasted in, and it was accepted.

    I've performed these steps multiple times, now, and had the same result each time.

    Narrowing it down like this suggests there's a problem with apostrophized words being typed (but not pasted) into the password field.

    The two apostrophized words I'm using are not long, nor difficult to spell, and are in the form xxxx'x and xx'x. I've typed them repeatedly, and not once did so incorrectly, so again the odds are low that I only type them incorrectly when entering my passphrase into 1Password.

    My next step will be to change my passphrase in 1Password, keeping it identical except for the apostrophes. Wait one...

    And... Got in first time. And second time.

    Only difference is I removed the apostrophes, and now the passphrase is accepted when I type it.

    But I'd love to have my apostrophes back, so, over to you Blue Leader!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2018

    @spectravet - it's difficult for us to troubleshoot Master Password issues that customers report, because to do so comprehensively, often we'd have to know what the user's Master Password is. And although some users wouldn't mind giving that up in the interest of investigation, many people are understandably quite protective of their Master Passwords -- as they should be. Plus, it's just generally a bad look for us to constantly tell people "never share your Master Password with everyone," and then when they come to us for help of this nature, to say "OK, give us your Master Password." ;)

    I'm glad you narrowed it down! Apostrophes, huh? Let me see if I can reproduce that on my own setup here. In the meantime, I'm wondering if that got ASCII encoded? You don't happen to remember what system/browser you originally created your account's Master Password on, do you? I'm wondering whether due to the combination of system settings and browser settings, those mightn't have gotten interpreted as ’ instead of a normal apostrophe? Hmmm...I can't seem to reproduce it here -- changing the Master Password to one using apostrophes works as intended both at in a browser and in the 1Password for Mac app (didn't test 1Password for iOS).

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @spectravet - the other possibility, along the same lines as the one I mentioned above (and probably even more likely) is that you've got at least one curly apostrophe in there. This only happens with the apostrophe and quote keys, which is why we don't recommend these (but do allow them). Try this: use ⌥⇧] in place of one or more of your apostrophes, and I'll bet you it works. TextEdit, using the "Smart Quotes" feature, will turn ' into ’...which is not the same character, for the purposes of the "must match exactly" needs of deriving an encryption key.

  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    One thing that's caught me in the past with a different program (it might have been entering stuff in Terminal, but I can't recall) is that there are two types of apostrophes, straight quotes and curly (or smart) quotes. I would hazard a guess that somewhere along the line the wrong kind is being used. I note that in System Preference > Keyboard >Text there is an option to use smart quotes.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @danco - yep, that's what I'm guessing as well. :+1:

  • spectravet
    Community Member

    @Lars & @danco – Brilliant!!

    Turned off smart quotes, and it works! I now have my apostrophes back :-)

    Thanks for the excellent support!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @spectravet - glad we could help! :)

This discussion has been closed.