Upgraded from 1Password 6.8.9 to 1Password 7 (family subscription) - 1P7 does not import my keychain

Community Member

1Password 6 was working fine, but I figured I would upgrade and get my wife to also use it under a family subscription. The install went fine (without issue), and I started the 1Password 7 Mac client. It will not import my keychain or my database from 1Password 6. It says the database is empty and my keychain import throws an error:

Unable To Copy Item to Destination Vault
The file you are trying to import is not in a format 1Password can understand.

It appears to copy about 265 of 750 items from my previous vault.

When trying to revert, 1Password 7 deleted my previous 1Password 6 version. So, I had to go re-download version 6 and re-install it (which deleted version 7). Getting frustrated...it's not worth the headache for the upgrade, if it won't even read my previous keychain.

1Password Version: 7.0.7
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.14
Sync Type: Dropbox (previously)
Referrer: forum-search:upgrade from 1password 6


  • MauiAggie
    Community Member

    So, how can I upgrade to a 1Password 7 subscription (is this even possible)?

  • JadC
    1Password Alumni
    edited July 2018

    Hi @MauiAggie, this issue should be fixed in the latest beta. Do you think you can try enabling the beta to see if the fix we implemented resolves the problem that you are encountering? You can do that by going to 1Password 7 > Preferences > Updates and checking the "Include beta builds" checkbox. Once you have done that, please go to 1Password 7 > Check for updates... and try the import process again.

  • MauiAggie
    Community Member

    Yes, this did allow me to finally import my keychain from 1Password 6. However, it did not have any of my most recent settings. I recently updated and changed about 30-40 passwords, and none of those changes made it through in the import. The entries are there, but the updated passwords are not. Luckily, I kept the changes in a separate file as well.

    I have used 1Password for years, and I have never had this much of a problem in storing/retrieving my passwords. Thus far, I like the subscription model of being able to run various clients across computers (and access 1Password.com in my browser), but version 7 has some serious shortcomings/bugs.

  • MauiAggie
    Community Member

    And, now suddenly, after updating a couple of the password entries, the new passwords have appeared. This is strange behavior, considering these all came from a local Agile keychain - I could understand a sync delay if they were in the cloud somewhere, but they were local to my machine.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @MauiAggie - that's very odd, indeed. Import is a one-time, one-way process. There's no lingering/persistent sync; the file you imported either had the updated passwords, or it did not. If it didn't, they wouldn't magically appear at a later date. Not saying I don't believe you, just that it sounds as if something is up with your setup. If you go to Preferences > Vaults, what do you see there? What vaults are visible?

  • MauiAggie
    Community Member
    edited July 2018

    I have 3 vaults - private, [work name], and shared. I haven't had any glitches since, but it was certainly a strange start. I am a programmer by trade, so I am familiar with these issues - but, I expected exactly what you describe above. By the time I got to the third login I was going to re-update to the new password, the rest were all the expected long-number-of-digits random passwords. The missing passwords that I started with were the first three (of 30-40) I had changed the night before. The difference was very apparent, as the previous passwords were 1/3 the length of the new ones.

    Thanks for the help - I'll continue on with 1Password 7 now. But, a note that you might need the beta just to upgrade to the current version from 1Password 6.8.9 would definitely be helpful to the next guy...

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @MauiAggie - definitely keep an eye on things and let us know if you notice any further odd behavior. Regarding a notice about beta, we're hoping that 7.1 will be in the stable channel soon enough that this kind of rare import error won't be an issue that warrants spamming our users with a notice that will not apply to the vast majority of them. :)

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