Why does 1Pass automatically open the last site I visited upon logging in?

Community Member

That's right. 1Pass automatically goes to the login page of the last site I visited each time I login. It doesn't open the site. It just goes to the login page. Either way, it is a nuisance. Is there a setting I can adjust?

1Password Version: 7.0.7
Extension Version: 4.7.1
OS Version: OS X 10.13.6
Sync Type: iCloud


  • Hi Jazzman,

    1Password shouldn't be doing anything after you log into 1Password. Do you mean this happens when you log in to 1Password or to your user account on your Mac?

  • jazzman
    Community Member

    You've got me on that one. When I enter my password and open 1Pass on my Mac, it automatically opens to the sign in page of the the last account that I opened. What is the difference between logging in to 1Pass or to my user account? I thought they were one and the same.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @jazzman: Logging into your macOS user account is not related to 1Password, but if you set macOS to reopen everything you had running previously then that could example what you're experiencing. If you're referring specifically to 1Password, since it runs in the background even when you when you close the window, if you open the 1Password window again it should show you whatever item you had left selected.

    I wonder if we're just getting our wires crossed over semantics though. To me (and I think Chad as well), your original post makes it sound like you're opening the 1Password app, unlocking it using your Master Password, and then a website opens in your browser. I can't imagine how that would be possible, so I suspect I'm just misunderstanding. Can you tell me the exact steps you're taking and what is happening?

  • jazzman
    Community Member

    @brenty: My bad on the user account issue. Forget that. I know the difference. I don't know what I was thinking. When I unlock 1Pass with my Master Password, the last website I was using in 1Pass opens in my browser. 1Pass does not automatically enter that website's username and password. it just goes to its website. What a nuisance. I've checked all settings and haven't found anything. What am I missing?

  • jazzman
    Community Member

    Whenever I lock 1Pass down and reopen it later with my Master Password, it defaults to the last website in 1Pass that I was on. It does not enter the username and password, it just defaults to the website. Without exception, it does it.

    Mac OS on my computer is not set to open everything I had running previously.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    My bad on the user account issue. Forget that. I know the difference. I don't know what I was thinking.

    @jazzman: No worries. Thanks for the clarification. Just want to make sure we're on the same page. :)

    When I unlock 1Pass with my Master Password, the last website I was using in 1Pass opens in my browser. 1Pass does not automatically enter that website's username and password. it just goes to its website. What a nuisance. I've checked all settings and haven't found anything. What am I missing?

    This bit still confuses me though. I'm not sure how that's possible, unless you have some other software that's triggering it. I'm only able to get 1Password to open a URL in a browser by double-clicking a login item in the app, or clicking a URL an a login item's details.

    Can you tell me what browser version you're using? Also, how are you opening 1Password — browser toolbar icon, menu bar icon, Dock, Spotlight, etc?

  • jazzman
    Community Member

    @brenty: I'm using Safari 11.1.2. I was opening 1Pass from the dock icon. After reading your post, I opened it from both the browser toolbar icon and the menu bar icon and it functioned properly. Now this is weird. After doing what I just said, I opened it from the dock icon and it worked properly. Yet after trying that several times, it went back to malfunctioning when opening it from the dock icon. Strange! I appreciate your help and interest.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @jazzman - I'm a little uncertain where things are now. Are they working correctly, or acting up for you? Thanks for the clarification.

  • jazzman
    Community Member

    @Lars: Thank you for your concern. It's erratic. It functions properly when opening from both the browser toolbar icon and the menu bar icon. It opens to the login page of the last website used when opening from the dock icon. Sometimes, after opening from the browser toolbar icon or menu bar icon, the dock icon works properly for awhile. Then it reverts to opening to the last used website login page. Like I said the dock icon is erratic. Makes no sense to me.

  • jazzman
    Community Member

    @Lars: Talk about weird, now it's opening to the 1Password Support Forum every time I open it from the dock icon. Go figure.

  • I have to say this is one of the strangest issues I've heard reported in some time. :) I think one fairly easy thing we could suggest trying that has no real risk or downside is removing 1Password from the Dock and re-adding it. To remove it right click on it's icon in the Dock and select Options > Remove from Dock. To re-add it open your Applications folder in Finder and locate 1Password, then drag it from there to the Dock.

    Please let us know if that makes any difference. I'll be a little surprised if it does, frankly, but I'm at a loss here so we've gotta start with the basics.


  • jazzman
    Community Member

    @Ben: Yes, it is strange. I did exactly as you suggested, and it worked but only for one login. Then 1Pass went right back to doing what I reported originally. Could this have anything to do with how I exit out of 1Pass? All I do is sign out of a site, close down Safari and lock down 1Pass from wherever I am at the time. Makes no sense to me. I was a 1Pass user for four years prior to changing to 1Pass 7, but I never encountered anything like this.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @jazzman - That's very odd indeed. I'd like to ask you to create a diagnostics report from your Mac:


    Please add the following code (including the square brackets) to the Subject line of your diagnostics email before sending it:


    This will link your diagnostics to our current discussion. We'll take a look and let you know what we find out.

    For anyone else reading, please note: this ID is for @jazzman only. If you’re experiencing the same issue and need help, please ask us for your own ID.

    ref: HZW-31134-742

  • jazzman
    Community Member

    @Lars: Thanks for your concern. Now we are getting where it is too much trouble for a small problem. When I open 1Pass from the menu bar icon or the Safari toolbar icon, it functions properly. So I think I'll just do that and forget it. No sense in chasing rabbits at this point.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @jazzman - if that's what makes most sense to you, sure. We're willing to help you keep looking, but if 1Password is functioning normally in every other respect, then that's fine.

  • jazzman
    Community Member

    @Lars: Thanks, Lars. I just open it from the menu bar icon, and all functions properly. Unless you think that's a problem, I'll consider this case closed.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    :) :+1:

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    @jazzman someone else has now reproduced the bug you originally mentioned. I've followed his steps and have confirmed it: see this thread (starting at the link I've given will save you reading the whole thread).

    I thought it helpful to add a note here so that you know you were not going mad: there is indeed a bug.


  • jazzman
    Community Member

    @Stephen_C Thanks much. Glad to know I'm not going mad(LOL). I just open 1Pass now from my menu bar icon, and all's well. I hope this can be corrected at some point.

  • AGKyle
    1Password Alumni

    We've filed a bug for this, as mentioned in the thread Stephen_C linked to and will take a look when we can. Sorry for the trouble.

  • steweath23
    Community Member

    Just wanted to note that I also have the same issue. Hoping for a resolution soon. It's a bit irritating to have a webpage open up when Safari (and 1PW) is closed, and all I want to do is look for a password or other information saved in 1PW.

    MacOS 10.13.6
    Safari 11.1.2
    1PW 1Password 7 Version 7.0.7 (70007001) Mac App Store

  • steweath23
    Community Member

    Thanks! Downloading 7.1 now from the App Store.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Great! That should do the trick for you, but we're here if you need anything else. :chuffed:

This discussion has been closed.