Signed for an account to upgrade and it's been a horrible experience so far

Community Member
  1. Safari plug in fails to work over and over again (have already installed and reinstalled)
  2. I have a Primary and Personal Vault which I never wanted, just want one vault the process to do so is grayed out under help/tools. Btw.. didn't find that tool until a week after upgrading
  3. My password to login from my Desktop at home is different than at work, I think my Windows Desktop is trying to log into the Personal and my Mac Desktop the Primary.

I'm all over the place, and this is not optimal or a nice experience .. in fact, its wasting my time. I have been using 1Password since version 2 or 3, and this is really frustrating me

I want all my info in the Personal Vault with 1 password to unlock from both my PC and Mac, and I want the extension to work on my Mac.

Thank you

1Password Version: 7.0.7
Extension Version: 4.7.2
OS Version: 10.13.6
Sync Type: Dropbox and 1Password


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @adresner - I'm sorry for the troubles you've been having getting upgraded to 1Password 7 for Mac. Let's get you squared away. To do that, however, I'm going to need a little clarity on just a couple of issues first. The main thing is: you say "...Personal vault which I never wanted," but later on you say "I want all my info in the Personal Vault ..." Can you clarify that for me? It seems contradictory, and I don't want to presume I know what you intended. A Personal vault means you created a account -- which I think is by far the easiest and most feature-rich way to use 1Password for most people. Your Primary vault is your older, standalone vault. You can have either one you like, but can you let me know whether you want the account it sounds as if you opened? Let's start there, and move on. Is your PC the computer at work and the Mac your home computer? Or the other way 'round?

  • adresner
    Community Member

    I originally just wanted to upgrade my 1Password but decided to create and pay for an account. Upon doing this, a Personal Vault was created automatically. Since there was little to no guidance during this process, I wound up in this situation.

    I would happily use my dropbox, primary vault, and 1Password but do not see the option to sync with dropbox on the Windows version. If this is the case, then I will need to use the personal vault.

    The PC is at work, the Mac is at home

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @adresner - thanks for the clarification. Because licenses for 1Password are sold per-person and per-platform, and because you have both a Mac and a PC on which you want to run 1Password, you'd need to purchase a license for each platform. Even at our current launch special pricing, that's going to set you back $100. By contrast, a account includes all four of our native applications (Mac, Windows iOS and Android) as part of the subscription price, including all future upgrades for as long as you maintain the account, and an individual membership is only $2.99/mo if paid annually ($35.88 for the year). Considering that we tend to release new full-version upgrades of 1Password about every 1-2 years on average, that would mean you'd be spending about $150 every 18 months or so (more or less) to get licenses upgraded each time on both platforms, but two full years of membership would be barely over $70. I'd stick with the membership from a purely financial standpoint, but it's up to you, of course.

    The most important question I have for you right now is: are you able to sign into your account in a browser at If so, then right now, in 1Password 7 for Mac, if you have both the Primary and the Personal vault, this should be relatively straightforward. You can use these instructions to move your data from Primary to Personal. Once that's done, things get a lot easier from there on out. Let me know.

  • adresner
    Community Member

    Can you please stop with the sales pitches and just get down to supporting me? In each of your responses you tossed in a sales pitch after I have already told you I purchased a membership (I can do the math).

    Dragging and dropping my info between vaults was easy, I figured that out (did it from the Mac Desktop client) already to get my information at work.... leading back to my question you did not answer:

    Will 1Password for Windows sync with dropbox?

  • Ben
    edited July 2018

    Membership based vaults will not sync via Dropbox, no. They will only sync via If you’d like you could use a standalone vault in 1Password for Windows and that vault could sync via Dropbox, however this vault would not receive the benefits of a membership based vault (e.x. Documents, sharing, Travel Mode, etc). I’d really recommend using the Personal vault and having it sync via

    Instructions for syncing a standalone vault with Dropbox can be found here:

    Does that help? Please let us know.


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @adresner - my apologies. I wasn't attempting to "sell" you -- it sounded to me as if you were unsure about whether you wanted to stick with standalone/Dropbox or with the trial account you created. As Ben notes, you no longer need Dropbox at all if you have a account, as all syncing and incremental backups are done on the servers.

  • adresner
    Community Member

    Nope, still trying to get the same question answered. Lets say I have a subscription with you guys which gives me access to the latest version of 1Password on all my devices including my iDevices, Dell, etc.

    Lets say I want to sync my 1 single vault via Dropbox instead of

    I see the option to sync my Mac Client with either but I do not see the option in the Windows Client to sync with Dropbox.

    Does the Windows client have this option? Thank you

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @adresner - if you have 1Password 7 for Windows, it does. If you're still using version 6, no. In version 7, follow these instructions.

    I do have to point out that if you're signing up for and then not using it so you can create standalone vaults and sync them via Dropbox, that's taking the long way around things to say the least. It's possible, but certainly not an optimal experience. In order for each instance of 1Password you install on either Windows or Mac to be "licensed," you'd have to remain signed into your account - which would mean you'd have at least one (Personal) vault that's unused, sitting within 1Password and potentially causing confusion. If what you want is standalone, it's going to be much less hassle to just purchase the standalone licenses, as it was designed.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @sylath: Did you have a question?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @sylath: Ah gotcha. Sorry about that! Thank you. :)

  • adresner
    Community Member

    I have not resolved this yet, will try to make time today. One of my concerns is putting all my password data into one basket so to speak. Currently, you guys provide 1Password and my keychain is with a 3rd party Dropbox. Now you guys want me to keep my keychain with you and that more secure how?

  • @adresner,

    Right now you have two potential points of failure: if either the 1Password software or Dropbox service misbehaves your password data may not sync properly. That said with either Dropbox or service your data is cached on each device you sign in from, and so the Dropbox or service being offline would only affect your ability to sync, not your ability to access your data. Such outages for either service are usually rare, planned, and brief. Most customers never even notice because as soon as the service comes back online the data syncs. This is the same reason you’re able to continue to access your data even if you disconnect from the internet.


  • adresner
    Community Member

    Hi Ben, I was using the word secure in reference to security and not regarding the loss of data which I think would be pretty hard given the behavior of 1Password, local backups, and the points in your explanation. How is my data more safe by not distributing that across two different vendors (dropbox and 1password) vs. 1 vendor who created 1Password and while I don't have a tinfoil hat, how is our data safe from your team?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @adresner: What Ben is getting at is that Dropbox, while a great sync service, wasn't designed with 1Password in mind; it's purpose is to do generic file sync. I've used it for over a decade, and it's indispensable. But it has its quirks, and I often end up with sync conflicts as Dropbox tries to reconcile file changes across many devices with different OSes, settings, apps, and filesystems. avoids all that by having sync built in, purpose built for 1Password data.

    But while that's great for convenience and usability, on the security side, has the added protection of the Secret Key, which is a 128-bit, randomly-generated string which is also used (along with your Master Password) to encrypt your data. All of this is done on your device, and those "keys" are never sent to us, so that that way, even if someone steals the encrypted database from our server, they will not have the means to decrypt it. They cannot even perform a brute force attack against your Master Password, as they would also need to guess that Secret Key at the same time in order to successfully decrypt the data.

    Also, in addition to your 1Password data being cached on your devices locally, all of the encrypted data is automatically backed up redundantly offsite, on our server, so that even if everything you own is lost, stolen, or destroyed, you can use your account credentials to sign in and access your data.

    I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

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