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wish to cancel account have lost all details - don't use 1password.

Community Member
edited July 2018 in Memberships

email [removed by 1Password staff -- this is a public forum]

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:wish to cancel account have lost all details - don't use 1password.


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited July 2018

    @mikelees: Do you have an active subscription for a membership? If not, there's nothing you need to cancel. Otherwise, we can't discuss account information here on a public forum, but I'll shoot you an email in case you need further assistance.

    In case it helps you or anyone else, we don't ever have either your Secret Key or Master Password, as that wouldn't be very secure at all. The Master Password is chosen by you, and the Secret Key is generated locally on your device. Neither is ever transmitted. We don't have access to your data can't recover either of these for you. You would be able to find your Secret Key in one of the following places though:

    I hope you're able to find your Emergency Kit, or have another authorized device where you can view your Secret Key. Otherwise it will not be possible to login to your 1Password Account. But if you're part of a 1Password Family or Team, another Owner, Organizer, or Admin can help you recover your account, so you can create a new Secret Key and Master Password:

    Either way, let me know.

    ref: VBV-58823-393

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