Questions about standalone vaults and updating passwords

This discussion was created from comments split from: The delete vault option is greyed out, how do I change this?.


  • jmpclass
    Community Member

    I am having a similar issue need help please: I have TWO Questions please: 1) I have my macOS program 1password, downloaded from the mac app store (Version 6.8.8). Love the program! I have a primary vault and then I created three standalone vaults. I am now trying to delete all three standalone vaults, they are no longer required. My intent is to keep my primary vault only. However, there is no place I am finding where I can delete these vaults. Please assist - thanks. 2) Lastly, if I decided to keep one of my extra vaults, what I noticed, is that when I update a password in my primary vault, the password does not update in the other vault where I copied that link to as well. How do I get that sync'd? Thanks

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @jmpclass! To delete vaults in 1Password 6 for Mac, you must first switch to that vault by clicking the vault menu in the top-left of the main 1Password window:

    ...and switching to the vault you want to delete. Once it's selected, click the 1Password menu item in your Mac's menubar and choose Delete (name of vault) Vault. You'll need to do this for each of your secondary vaults.

    You cannot sync data between vaults in the manner you're envisioning. When you make copies of the same data in multiple vaults, they're just that: copies. Think of it as editing a Microsoft Word document. You can send a copy to your co-worker, but any changes (s)he makes will not be automatically copied to your version of the document. It's best to have only one copy of each item, because you can sync data between devices, and you can use the All Vaults view to make sure you can view all your data combined, which eliminates the need to have multiple copies in multiple vaults. Hope that helps! :)

  • jmpclass
    Community Member

    Awesome - appreciate the quick reply, thank you!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @jmpclass - you're quite welcome! Glad I was able to help. :)

This discussion has been closed.