Bug/crash in 1P7 for Mac when editing smart folders that involved folders in a previous version

Community Member
edited August 2018 in Mac

I've discovered a reproducible bug in 1Password 7 for Mac 7.0.7 (but I believe it's been around since 7.0) where if you go to edit a smart folder that had been created in a pervious version of 1Password and involved either folders or smart folders in the criteria, the 1Password app immediately crashes.

When right-clicking on the smart folder in question, I do get the Delete option, and I assume it will work, but I'll keep this smart folder around for now since the bug is 100% reproducible and might help the development team fix the issue.

1Password Version: 7.0.7
Extension Version:
OS Version: macOS 10.13.6
Sync Type: iCloud


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @aaaaaa - thanks for bringing this to our attention. We are indeed aware of this one, but due to the fact that Smart Folders was a Mac-only implementation and is likely to be completely re-worked, I'm not sure how high a priority addressing this just on the Mac platform will be at present, given other priorities. We're looking down the road at a comprehensive solution to saved searches (which is what Smart Folders are, essentially) that allows us to implement cross-platform and on the 1password.com servers...but that's not ready to roll out anytime in the immediate future, though it IS on the radar screen. Thanks for flagging this one, and for your patience in the interim.

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