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Where is my secret key? I have Ipassword pro!!!! and a current PAID membership and i want upgrade

Community Member

Where is my secret key? I have Ipassword pro!!!! and a current PAID membership and i want upgrade to Family. and Have versions on Windows 7 Windows, Windows 10 and 4 iOs devices. Now I'm spending an hour trying to sign in and being asked for a stupid secret key. Can you tell I upset? As for the versions

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Win 7 and 10 iOs
Sync Type: IiCloud
Referrer: forum-search:Where is the secrete key I have Ipassword pro!!!! and a current PAID membership and i want upgrade


  • billz1212
    Community Member

    Where is my secret key? I have Ipassword pro!!!! and a current PAID membership and i want upgrade to Family. and Have versions on Windows 7, Windows 10 and 4 iOs devices. Now I'm spending an hour trying to sign in and being asked for a stupid secret key. Can you tell I upset?

  • Hi @billz1212

    To be clear: do you have a subscription membership? You'll only have a Secret Key and be able to login at if you do. If you do not we call this using 1Password "standalone." You can learn about migrating from 1Password standalone to 1Password Families here:

    If you do already have a subscription membership please see this guide about how to locate your Secret Key:

    I hope that helps!


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