Minor bug report: 1P7 icon persists even after quitting app

Community Member

The following does not result in any loss of functionality. Just makes 1P7 weeee less than perfect ;-)

Steps to reproduce (and yes, it is reproducible on demand):
1. Start 1P7 for Mac
2. Pull up the context switcher (typically ⌘+tab)
3. With the trigger key (⌘ by default) still depressed press the tab key until 1P7's icon is highlighted
4. Press Q to quit the application

Nothing apparently happens. If you have 1P7 application window in the foreground you will see it go away (after step 4). Otherwise there is no indication that the quit-operation was successful.

However the quit-operation was successful. 1P7 did get shut down. In fact if you bring up the context switcher again you will see that the 1P7 icon is now gone.

Like a said, a minor glitch.


1Password Version: 1Password 7 Version 7.0.7 (70007000)
Extension Version: N/A
OS Version: macOS 10.13.6
Sync Type: 1Password.com


  • @sri,

    This is actually intentional behavior. The main 1Password application is both the traditional main application as well as the mini in one. Normal quitting will close all of the main window features and hide the dock icon. To quit the Main application and the extension helper process you will want to Cmd + Opt + Control + Q.

  • sri
    Community Member

    @rudy: I am familiar with the main app & its mini-me counterpart.

    As I noted earlier, the 1P7 icon does disappear without having to resort to ⌘+Opt + Control + Q. You just have to release the app-switcher (letting go of the ⌘ key). Bring up the app-switcher back again and you'll see that that icon is gone.

    If this is intentional then it is confusing because the user thinks the main app is still running...and so tries the command again...and again.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @sri - It seems as if you're correct...but I've also just experienced this same behavior with two other apps in the switcher, so I'd guess this is a question you'd want to direct to Apple rather than anything we can change on our end. Thanks for bringing it to our attention, however! :)

  • sri
    Community Member

    @Lars It occurred to me that this might be at the OS level and therefore not something you can control.

    That said you have to wonder why macOS would mete out such "special treatment" to 1P? Could it that 1P (along with the other apps you have encountered) be doing something (or not doing something) that signals to the OS that the app has not actually quit?

    As an end-user I now know to ignore this quirk. AgileBits on the other hand has a bigger dog in the fight with . If this were my app I would file a bug report/complaint/pursue other channels to get this addressed.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @sri - thanks for the heads up. :)

  • vplewis
    Community Member

    @Lars This is not the case in Mojave beta 7. Cmd-Q while in the app switcher behaves like Cmd-W. i.e. 1Password 7 and the helper app are both still running in Activity Monitor. HTH

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @vplewis - have you tried it without the intervention of the app switcher invoked from cmd+tab? No seriously, try it. ;)

    Using ⌘Q in 1Password 7 for Mac does indeed behave more like the older ⌘W (close window), for a couple of reasons. The main one is that for the first time in 1Password 7, the mini and the main app are a single process. So what typing ⌘Q does in reality is close the main 1Password window and leave the mini running in your Mac's menubar (which mimics the former behavior of ⌘Q on older versions of 1Password, where that command would quit the main process but leave the mini active in the menubar). In other words, this isn't affected by using the app switcher in macOS at all, no matter what version of it you're using. :)

  • vplewis
    Community Member

    @Lars Sorry, I must be missing something. I followed the steps outlined by @sri in the first post, at the end of which the 1Password 7 app window closed [and the icon disappeared from the app switcher] but the processes are still running. I believe this is the intended behavior for 1Password 7. HTH

  • @vplewis,

    That sounds correct to me.

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