1 Password on Mac shows Account Frozen in safari. On my iOS I've been able to change the vault.
When I click on 1Password in Safari on my Mac I get a popup that says that my account has been frozen. I can open the 1Password app on my Mac and copy my needed password. I was able to change my vault with 1Password on my iOS devices. I think that the problem is that I have a personal account and a family account that hasn't been set up. And I"m trying to understand this all. I have received an email from support while we were away on vacation, but haven't studied it and figured it out. I've just printed it out and will try to decipher it today.
1Password Version: 7.07
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OX X 10.13.6
Sync Type: dropbox
Hi @tmabie,
I’m sorry to hear about the trouble. From your message it sounds as though you have an existing email conversation going with us about this, but I’m not seeing anything recent in our inbox from the email address you have registered here on the forum. Do you have a Support ID? As this sort of issue will require looking up your account information it is something we’ll need to handle by email. If you do not already have an existing email conversation going with us please start one with
and then post the support ID that you get back here.Ben
ref: DER-52781-342