2 macs upgraded fine to 1pass 7.0 but 3rd mac will not recognize license

Community Member

I bought a new mac laptop and it forced me to install OnePass 7, and eventually purchased the license. I have since upgraded my mac at home w/ v7 and it worked fine. I am trying to upgrade my office installation and it's not having it. it is now in READ ONLY MODE and gives me the option to add license or to buy. when i say add, it gives me option to load a file but i have no idea what file to load. When i looka the new one passwords it says licensed, but does not say anything about a file, and when i have the site send me my licenses it sends all the ones i purchased prior to v7. How can I get this version working? I installed the lates version so all computers have the same version.
All the support things i have read said it would do this sync via icloud, but i fail to understand how if I use dropbox and not icloud.

1Password Version: 7.1B3
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OSX 10.12.6
Sync Type: dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:license upgrade


  • Corey_C
    Community Member

    Hi @advansis

    You were sent an email when you bought your license for 1Password 7. That email has a link with which you can download your new license file. Go check that email for the link.

  • advansis
    Community Member

    @corey_c i had looked for it, but had over looked it. i looked again, and there it was :-) thanks again

  • Corey_C
    Community Member

    Happy to hear it @advansis, take care. :)

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