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Forgot master password and want to start over and use my existing paid suscription.

Community Member

I forgot my master password and made a restart since I have no emergency kit and no secret key. i dont mind losing information. I only used the app on iPhone and entered with my fingerprint.

I have paid suscription but how can a use my paid suscription if i dont remember password? or how can i cancel suscription and open new suscription?

thanks in advance!

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited August 2018

    @NOLEMARQUEZ: It's won't be possible to access it without the correct Master Password, but the tips in this guide may help you gain access again:

    Or, if you're part of a 1Password Family or Team, another Owner, Organizer, or Admin can help you recover your account, so you can create a new Secret Key and Master Password:

    Otherwise it is possible to delete the account and start over with a new one. Just contact us at from the account's registered email address so we can help.

    Since you mentioned you're okay with deleting the account and starting over, I'll shoot you an email here shortly to get your sorted.

    ref: KZC-61262-239

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