how to send sensitive information from password1 to an email
how to send sensitive information from password1 to an email? Should I encrypt it before to send by email? how?
1Password Version: 1 password 6
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: MacOS high sierra version 10.13.6
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:how to send sensitive information from password1 to an email
Hi @dominiquepb
Email is generally not a great medium for sharing sensitive information such as 1Password data. It is not encrypted by default, and the tools available for encrypting it are considered by many to be fairly “clunky.” I really would have to recommend avoiding emailing 1Password data if at all possible. If you were going to email 1Password data I would recommend encrypting the email with something like PGP, but unfortunately setting that up is outside the scope of what we’re able to help with here.
We do offer a secure solution for sharing data and that is 1Password membeship. With 1Password Families, 1Password Teams, and 1Password Business you can invite people to join your membership (either as full members or guests), and then you can create and share a 1Password vault with them. This happens securely as the vaults are all encrypted, and everyone has their own Master Password that they establish (it doesn’t require any pre-shared secrets). The ability to share securely and painlessly was one of the primary motivating factors behind us building this service. There just simply isn’t a better way to do it.
You can read more about the benefits of membership here:
What are the benefits of a 1Password membership?
One that I spot right off the bat is that you’d be able to upgrade to 1Password 7 for Mac... I notice you indicated you are still running v6. Membership includes access to the latest versions of the 1Password software for all of your compatible devices.
I hope that helps!