My Dropbox Vault (Primary) has disconnected from 1Password

Community Member

on 2 of my devices (mac & iphoneX) my primary vault (in dropbox) is no longer shown in 1password. prior to this I had two entries for everything and things were not synched properly (old and new information) but at least i could get my current passwords. Now only the local vault (personal) is available and it is not up to date. how can i re-add the dropbox primary vault? how can i sync properly so all my devices have only one updated copy (vault?). thank you.

1Password Version: 7.1.1 (70101001)
Extension Version:
OS Version: high sierra 10.13.6
Sync Type: dropbox


  • d00by
    Community Member

    I have same problem.

    The 1Password on my android phone upgraded to v7 and then converted the primary vault.
    When I logged in to my 1pasword iPad app,my Dropbox primary vault disconnected from the iPad app.

    How do I sync my iPad app to other 1Password app on android now?

  • Hi folks,

    Part of the process of migrating to a membership from standalone is to move the items from the Primary vault to the Personal vault, and then delete the Primary vault. Do you have access to a 1Password installation that has both the Personal and Primary vaults? If so please copy any items missing from Personal to there from Primary, and then delete the Primary vault:

    I hope that helps!


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