As of 6.8.8 My folders are empty

Community Member

I have about 25 folders in my vault. Today I opened 1P and all, but one of them are empty. My 'Unfiled' folder has everything in it now. It used to only have the items I had not yet distributed.

I was running 6.8.8 on a Mac. I checked for updates, found, 6.8.9, installed it and that didn't help. How do I repopulate my folders? I have over 400 items; I'd like to not have to do this manually. Any idea what happened and how to fix it?


1Password Version: 1Password 6 Version 6.8.9 (689001) AgileBits Store
Extension Version:
OS Version: OS X 10.11.6
Sync Type: dropbox


  • Hi @martinnel,

    1Password keeps automatic backups. You can “go back in time” to when the items were sorted into folders by restoring a 1Password backup from a point in time when that was true. Please see this guide:

    I hope that helps!


  • martinnel
    Community Member


    That opens other questions for me. I thought, if I am to restore to a backup, I should first check and see what I've potentially done new since that backup. But when I sort my items by 'Date Modified,' I find that about 80% of my items were modified yesterday (and I don't think I did an update yesterday, though I did one today just before posting my initial question). I definitely did not knowingly do anything to virtually any of these items . Should I be concerned? Why would they have modified? This certainly all looks worrisome. And is there a way to find out what is truly new since one of these backups?

    And—bonus round—why did my folders empty out?

    Endlessly searching for truth,


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @martinnel - I can't be certain, but that sounds very much to me as if something changed in your 1Password setup yesterday. A regular incremental update to 1Password itself wouldn't modify your actual data -- but if something WAS done on a large scale, it could certainly also be the case that this is what accounts for your folders getting emptied as well. Were you doing anything with your 1Password data yesterday? Any changes to tags or sync method or anything that could've applied to multiple records?

  • martinnel
    Community Member


    No, the only thing I have done with 1P in the past few days other than use it to retrieve passwords, is update it on some of my devices. I have it on two Macs, and on an Android phone and tablet. My questions stand:

    1. Should I be concerned?
    2. Why would they have modified? This certainly all looks worrisome.
    3. Is there a way to find out what is truly new since one of these backups?
    4. Why did my folders empty out?

    I'm more than happy to provide any other helpful information.


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @martinnel -

    1. Not if all your data is present but just rearranged.
    2. There's no way to tell from just the information we have so far.
    3. Again, hard to say, but unlikely: If something fits the description of "modified," it fits it. We don't have a mechanism to parse what type of modified a record was.
    4. Again, difficult to say. Were these Smart Folders or actual folders?

    To get the kind of better look that might give me some idea of what could have caused this, I'd like to ask you to create a diagnostics report from your Mac:

    Sending Diagnostics Reports (Mac)

    Attach the diagnostics to an email message addressed to

    With your email please include:

    • A link to this thread:
    • Your forum username: @martinnel

    That way I can "connect the dots" when I see your diagnostics in our inbox.

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number.  Please post that number here so I can track down the diagnostics and ensure that this issue is dealt with quickly. :)

    Once I see the diagnostics I'll be able to better assist you. Thanks very much!

  • martinnel
    Community Member
    edited September 2018

    Thank you Lars; I have sent the diagnostics report. My support ID is [#ZXH-35481-527].


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @martinnel - yep, replied to you there; let's keep the conversation going via email instead of in this public forum. Thanks! :)

This discussion has been closed.