Local vault missing after upgrading from 1Password 6 to 1Password 7 on a second Mac

Community Member

I have two Macs, one personal and one work, both running 1Password 6. The work Mac is using a local-only (not synced anywhere) Primary vault. I upgraded the personal Mac to a 1Password 7 account. After that was successful I installed 1Password 7 on the work Mac. I chose the option saying I already had a subscription and used the QR scanning code to enter my 1Password account information. When the app opened, my 1Password account passwords were there. However, the local-only Primary vault was not there.

How do I get the passwords from the 1Password 6 local vault into 1Password 7 without sending them to my 1Password account?

Thanks to other forum posts I believe I have found the 1Password 6 password file in my ~/Library folder. I looked at using 1Password 7 File > Import > 1Password 6, but the only option is to import into my 1Password account.

PLEASE HELP! This is urgent as I do not currently have access to my work passwords!! (It seems the 1Password 6 application was removed when 1Password 7 was installed).

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Local vault missing after upgrading from iPassword 6 to iPassword 7 on a second Mac


  • barrettjl
    Community Member

    (This might be a duplicate question; I can't tell if the first question got posted.)

    I have two Macs, one personal and one work, both had 1Password 6 installed. The work Mac has a local-only Primary vault that has never been synced anywhere. I upgraded the personal Mac to a 1Password 7 account successfully and migrated that Primary vault to my 1Password account. I then downloaded and installed 1Password 7 on the work Mac. During installation I selected the option saying I already had a subscription and used the QR code to enter the account information. When the app opened, I saw my 1Password account passwords, but the 1Password 6 local-only Primary vault was not there.

    How do I import the 1Password 6 Primary local-only vault passwords into 1Password 7 without uploading them to my 1Password account?

    Thanks to other forum posts I believe I found the location of the 1Password Primary vault under ~/Library. I tried 1Password File > Import and selected 1Password 6, but the only option was to import into my 1Password account, which I do not want to do. I want to import them into a 1Password 7 local-only Primary vault.

    PLEASE HELP! This is urgent since I do not have access to my work passwords. (It seems the 1Password 6 app was removed when 1Password 7 was installed.)

    1Password Version: Not Provided
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: Not Provided
    Sync Type: Not Provided
    Referrer: forum-search:Local vault missing after upgrading from iPassword 6 to iPassword 7 on a second Mac

  • steven1
    Community Member

    your 1pw membership does allow access to local vaults, under preferences->advanced, check Allow Creation of vaults outside of 1password accounts.

    However, I am not sure whether this will pick up your old vault, since it was not synced anywhere.

  • barrettjl
    Community Member

    Thank you for the reply. I checked that box and it created the local vault, but it was empty.

    The great news is I received an email reply from 1Password support with instructions on to import the passwords. I will try that then post the steps here.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    In case it helps you or anyone else, if you've got your vault in Dropbox or iCloud, it's just a matter of syncing the Primary vault with that once you've enabled it as steven1 suggested. :)

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @barrettjl! Yours is kind of an edge case, but it's easily solvable: 1Password 6 for Mac stores its data in a different place in your user library folder than 1Password 7 for Mac, so your unsynced Primary vault is still just as you left it, in the version 6 location. Let me verify one thing so I'm sure I point you in the right direction: is it your intention to have both the local, unsynced Primary vault for your work items AND your 1password.com account on the "work" Mac now? Or do you want only the Primary vault and NOT the 1password.com account vault(s)?

  • barrettjl
    Community Member

    Hi @Lars Thanks for the reply. It turns out this is a duplicate post (I got an error posting it, didn't see it on the forum, so I posted the question again https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/95268/local-vault-missing-after-upgrading-from-1password-6-to-1password-7-on-a-second-mac#latest )

    As noted in that thread, I received an email from 1Password support, and following those steps I was able to import my 1Password 6 data.

    Right now I have the Primary vault work items AND my 1Password.com account on my "work" Mac. That is probably fine, but I am curious how I would go about having just the Primary vault and NOT the 1Password.com vaults, or maybe just a subset of the 1Password.com vaults.

  • barrettjl
    Community Member

    Thanks to the steps in the email from 1Password support, I was able to import my 1Password 6 information. As @brenty says, if your vault is in Dropbox or iCloud, then setting up sync is how to do it.

    Mine was not in Dropbox or iCloud, it was local-only never synced. So, the steps were:
    1. Unzip the 1Password6.app.zip file (the 1Password 6 app is zipped up during the installation of 1Password 7)
    2. Run 1Password6
    3. Select the passwords you want to export (in my case, all of them)
    4. Select File > Export > Selected items ...
    5. Save the file in 1Password Interchange Format (.1pif)
    6. Quit 1Password 6 and Mini
    7. Start 1Password 7 and select File > Import > Older 1Password
    8. Open "Using the Mac app", choose the Primary vault to import into
    9. Then press "Select File..." and choose the file from (5) above

    It turns out the steps are in the 1Password 7 File > Import > Older 1Password dialog, if had only known to look there :)

  • barrettjl
    Community Member

    One step I left out is that you have to do as @steven1 said and allow creation of vaults outside of 1Password accounts, which will create the Primary local vault.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @barrettjl - glad to hear you're all squared away (I think...?). Let us know if you have any remaining questions/issues. :)

This discussion has been closed.