How do I change my password recipe on

Community Member

Is there any way to do this is or is it only available on the smartphone apps?

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Referrer: forum-search:How do I change my password recipe on


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @lamborghini600 - Not entirely sure what you mean by "recipe," but if you're viewing your account in a browser, you can change passwords for any item by clicking "Edit" in the lower right of the window, then clicking the key icon next to the password field. You'll be able to toggle symbols and numerals, as well as adjust the number of total characters, or switch to a real-word-based passphrase. Hope that helps!

  • lamborghini600
    Community Member

    I only have the option to turn off digits/ symbols/words. I can't adjust the number of digits/symbols/words

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @lamborghini600 - yes, that's true in the web app. For the present, you need a local app to make more fine-grained changes to password recipes. Or, if you're in a place where you're limited to via the web, you can always make those changes manually (adding, removing or changing symbols/numerals to suit your taste or the site's requirements).

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