BUG: macOS clipboard restoration edge case

Community Member
edited September 2018 in Mac

Google have changed their auth flow requiring your email, then continuing to another modal for password, then another for your OTP. This means when the 1Password Extension fills a Google login it can only put in the email and then puts the OTP in your clipboard. Then Google progresses to the next modal but the password isn't filled in, meaning you need to get 1Password Extn to fill the password, which puts another OTP in the clipboard. This means when the previous clipboard contents are restored it will restore the first OTP, not what was originally in the clipboard.

1Password Version: 7.1.1
Extension Version: 4.7.2
OS Version: macOS 10.13.6
Sync Type: my.1password.com


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited September 2018

    Welcome to the forum, @theoriginalbit! Google did change their login pattern somewhat a couple of weeks ago, and yes, it appears to have resulted in what you're experiencing. We hope to address this behavior in an upcoming release by directly filling the TOTP code instead of copying to the system clipboard. Thanks for spotting this and letting us know; we're on it. :)

    ref: apple-2137

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