already sent a question and no answer. what now?

Community Member

Been using 1Password for years. Have version 6.8.8 in Mac Pro. Also have 1P in iPad and iPhone. Laptop crashed and hard disk was replaced. When synced 1Password from iCloud, 1password now won't let me make changes to data in laptop. It says "read only". So, all changes have to be made in iPad and iPhone and then synced to laptop (normally I would do it the other way around). When I click on "read only" tag, a banner appears for me to purchase a license (but I do have a license from a few years ago). However, when I click on banner to purchase another license anyway (assuming my original needs updating), nothing happens. Wont let me do it. Questions: 1. Is the original license still valid? or do I need to purchase another one? 2. How do I solve the issue of not being able to make data changes in laptop? 3. Do I assume that every time you update a version, it is automatically updated in my devices?. Thanks

1Password Version: 6.8.8
Extension Version: 7.1.1
OS Version: OS High Sierra 10.13.6
Sync Type: iCloud
Referrer: forum-search:already sent a question and no answer. what now?


  • montoyajp
    Community Member

    What is the process to get an answer to my question? Will it be sent to my e-mail? Or do I have to login to 1Password? Not quite sure this is clear, as are not many issues related to customer service from 1P. Not acceptable in my view

  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited September 2018

    You will get an answer in the forum. It may take some time, as questions are answered from earliest to latest, but all threads are read and responded to.

    You can set your forum settings so that you are notified by email of any responses.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited September 2018

    Welcome to the forum, @montoyajp! Thanks for being a long-time user, first-time forum poster. :) @danco is correct: we have a fairly high volume of customer support requests, and we try to answer them in the order they're received. The fact that you waited 18 minutes between your first and second posts leads me to believe you were thinking this was a live chat? If so, it's not -- this is a bulletin-board-style forum. We have a few community moderators who are volunteers like @danco who are fellow users and generously help other users out when they have time, but you will always get a reply from one of us on staff...just not in real time, typically.

    The reason you're in Read Only mode in 1Password on your Mac is likely to be because your previous license is for 1Password 6 for Mac or earlier, and what you've downloaded and installed on your new hard drive is 1Password 7 for Mac, which requires either a new standalone license purchase, or a membership. If you've been with us for years, you'll have gone through at least one or two other license upgrades of this sort, so you know what I'm talking about. :)

    Right now, your options are: remove version 7, re-download the previous version 6, and re-set everything up, or you can click the Read Only banner to get to the purchase options screen:

    I'd recommend the membership -- it's got a long list of features only available via membership. Just click the big green "Subscribe Today" button. Or, if you prefer a license, they're $64.99 and available through that second link ("Need a license? We have those too"). Let me know if you have any questions or difficulties. :)

  • montoyajp
    Community Member

    Thanks for your reply. Yes, I did think it was sort of a chat, probably because the initial page said "we're on 24 hrs, 7 days". I took it the wrong way. Sorry.
    Now, to your response. I didn't download 1P 7. I only recovered from iCloud what was there, and it seems it's 1P 6, since the version I have in the Mac says 6.8.8. That's what I've been using in my iPad and iPhone, although in those devices it says version 7.1.1. Could it be that the Mac version says 6.8.8 but it is 7?
    In any case, I would be more than glad to buy the license, but when I click on the "read only" banner, I get a different banner than the one shown above. And when I click on "purchase", it doesn't do anything. It won't respond. Can I do it in a different way?
    I honestly would like to just buy a license. Don't really understand the membership and I'd just like to keep it simple. I'm already familiar with what I have.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @montoyajp - I assumed you might have downloaded version 7 because in your initial post you mentioned 7.1.1 -- but you can verify it for certain by clicking the 1Password menu item in your Mac's menubar, then "About 1Password." You'll see the version number in the pop-up.

    If it's 6.8.8 (or any version 6), then my next question would be: did you initially purchase 1Password from the Mac App Store or from us directly? If you purchased from us, you need to (re)download and install from us as well -- because the Mac App Store doesn't know you purchased from us; it will think you're using it without paying (hence: Read Only).

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @montoyajp -- can you include a screen-shot of the banner you see that is different from the one I gave, above? Thanks.

  • montoyajp
    Community Member

    Thanks again. Yes, the 1P in the Mac definitely says 6.8.8. And I did purchase the license originally from you.
    And the banner I get says at the top: "Buy a standalone 1Password 6 license". But, as I said, when I click "purchase", nothing happens.
    So, how do I (re) download and install from you?

  • montoyajp
    Community Member

    Here is the banner I get when I click on "purchase".
    Sorry, can't get the image to drag and drop. How do I get a screen shot?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @montoyajp - give this a whirl -- there are some formats the editor won't accept, but if it's in .jpg or .png, you should be fine.

  • montoyajp
    Community Member

    Thanks. I did that but every time it says the file failed to upload.
    In any case, I believe the best alternative for me is to go ahead and purchase, directly from you, a new license for 1Password 7.
    Supposedly, since I sync via iCloud, 1P 7 will download into my other 2 devices (2iPhones and 1 iPad) and all the data in 1P6 will migrate automatically to all the devices. If this is the case, I should be fine.
    Thanks once again for your help.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @montoyajp - 1Password will not automatically download and install itself to other devices just because you purchase a license. If all your other devices are iOS-based, you may already be running 1Password 7 there. You can verify this by looking in Settings. Scroll down, and you'll see some smaller gray print right underneath "Review 1Password" down near the bottom. Your data should sync as usual (if you're using iCloud). The data doesn't "migrate" just because you change versions of 1Password on your Mac; it should continue syncing via iCloud, however. Let us know if you have any further questions.

  • montoyajp
    Community Member

    Thanks for clarifying this. Yes, indeed the iPhone and iPad are already on version 7.1.1.
    So, I'll just purchase the license for the Mac and sync via iCloud.
    What confused me is that the literature for 1P 7 says the layout in the Mac will change somewhat, including the side bars. Yet the format in the other devices, even though they are already on 7, are still looking the same as 1P 6. So, I guess that won't change.
    I guess by "automatic" I meant what the 1P 7 options say: once downloaded, "when opening for the first time, all accounts and vaults will be imported from the earlier version of 1 password". I guess once this happens, then I can sync with iCloud and from then on be able to make updates on the Mac, correct?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @montoyajp - yes -- the upgrade process from 1Password 6 for Mac to version 7 should be relatively seamless -- download from our downloads page, run the installer, and on first-run, your data should be imported automatically. Choose to purchase the license, and then you can sync via iCloud.

  • montoyajp
    Community Member

    Great. Thank you very much for your help.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    :) :+1:

This discussion has been closed.