1PW Helper keeps breaking in Chrome on MacOS

Community Member

Every now and then, when I go to use the 1PW helper on Chrome, the icon is disabled.
What causes this? I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled it, but that didn’t help

BTw, when I reinstalled the helper, there is a 1PW X add on in the Chrome store.
What is that????

It seems like 1 PW just isn’t as reliable as it used to be, a few years ago.

1Password Version: 7.1.1
Extension Version:
OS Version: OSX 10.12.6
Sync Type: Icloud


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @cappy - sorry for the trouble(s). 1Password X is "the future of 1Password," as our founder Dave Teare put it in the blog post announcing 1Password X. You can think of it as a 1Password app that's entirely within your browser. Not just a browser extension, but it can work without communicating with a local native 1Password app -- but only for 1password.com accounts. If you're using iCloud, it's not relevant to your situation, at this time.

    Regarding Chrome, most of what I've found over time with what you're describing is that Chrome auto-updates itself periodically (and relatively frequently) in the background. When that happens, the bundle ID changes, which means the authorization between 1Password and the browser extension "breaks" until such time as you re-launch both apps (or your Mac), at which time the new one is recognized. So: don't reinstall the extension first. Instead, quit both 1Password and Chrome, and restart them. For 1Password, make sure you Quit 1Password 7 Completely by typing ^⌥⌘Q (or just holding down the Control and Option keys as you choose Quit from the 1Password menu). Hope that's helpful! The reason 1Password may feel subjectively as if it's "less reliable" than it used to be is actually a good thing: the security of both your browser(s) (all the main ones, including Chrome) and of 1Password have been considerably tightened since the days of 1Password 3 for Mac or so, which is what can lead to temporary "failures" like this one, where a simple restart will (or should) solve the issue.

  • cappy
    Community Member
    edited September 2018


    ou can think of it as a 1Password app that's entirely within your browser.

    This is the worst news possible. Browsers are extremely insecure to begin with. They are constantly under attack by hackers and malware, not to mention the bugs and security holes that the developers inflict without knowing.

    You now want to entrust all of our passords and secure data in the most unstable and insecure enviorment on every platform possible?
    Surely Dave Tear must have better ideas than this.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni


    Surely Dave Tear must have better ideas than this.

    Since this is where Dave's actually spending most of his time these days, I doubt it. ;)

    Browsers are extremely insecure to begin with. They are constantly under attack by hackers and malware, not to mention the bugs and security holes that the developers inflict without knowing.

    Right. We're pretty aware of that. If you'd like to have a look at the 1Password X security model, we'd be happy to answer any questions you might have.

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