Deleted and edited items still in autofill keyboard

Community Member
edited September 2018 in iOS

I experience an issue with the 1Password suggestions. It is not completely up to date with 1Password. Old items are still available but when I select them, it auto fills another account for this website (that is up to date)
So the item I select is not the item that is filled into the form.

For example I updated one of my credentials to another email and after that deleted that item deleted from 1Password. But it is still showing this item with the old email address on my keyboard and in the full list (see screenshots)

(I know iCloud is still active but you see it is in 1Password by the subtitle)

And when I select the fressh one it auto fills the sissing one.


  • @sissing,

    Couple questions for you:
    1. are you a user?
    2. are the items you're accessing in a vault?
    3. if they aren't, did you launch the main 1Password app between making deletions/edits to those items and allow it to sync with your opvault?

  • sissing
    Community Member

    Hi @rudy,

    I'm using iCloud for storing my vault.
    When I open the iPhone app everything is up to date and don't see this deleted items.
    It is happening on more websites.

  • @sissing,

    So if you make an edit/deletion from another device or your device and then allow sync to happen, and then go to the location where you want to use AutoFill, are the items still errantly showing, or do they correctly disappear? vaults don't get background app refresh so any remote change is going to necessitate opening the main app in order to get sync to happen.

    If they're local edits then those should be processing as you make them, so we'll probably want to get a diagnostics report, but we'll need to verify what additional logging levels we might need you to turn on before getting one of those.

  • sissing
    Community Member
    edited September 2018

    Hi, Thanks for the info @rudy.

    My concern is that when I edit items in the phone or mac app (and open the iPhone app afterwards) the changes are applied in the app but the keyboard autofill still shows old and outdated entries. When I select from the autofill keyboard the 1password extension, I see the up to date list with logins for the current website. But the native keyboard bar and action sheet show old items. So something doesn't get update between the iPhone app and the autofill ios 12 keyboard API integration.

  • sissing
    Community Member


    My concern is the sync between the ios app and the native autofill keyboard. Items are not in sync and the native autofill keyboard shows old and outdated information.

  • @sissing,

    can you do a test:
    1. create a login item for a site you don't have an account with (faux values are fine)
    2. navigate to that site and verify that the item shows up in the QuickType bar
    3. go back to 1Password and delete the item
    4. wait a second
    5. go back to the site and see if it still appears in the QuickType bar.

  • sissing
    Community Member


    Just before your message I disabled and enabled the 1Password autofill in the General iPhone settings. This refreshed the passwords and all items are now in sync. Afterwards, I tried to create logins for different websites via the iPhone app and mac. Both are now in sync and the keyboard quick type bar stays in sync after opening 1Password (for syncing). Hopefully fixed this my problem. If it happens again I will reach out to this thread.

    One thing to mention, I've done a lot of updates in both iOS and Mac app lately. Maybe something got cached by my phone in the autofill and didn't update.

  • @sissing,

    That's certainly strange, but we'll definitely keep an eye on that. I wonder if Apple changed the format for the credential store database between versions and our ability to update it was getting shot down.

  • sissing
    Community Member


    I was too quick. It got messed up again. After deleting the new item for testing it was gone. So that’s great.

    Now I updated an old login credential for the same site and it shows the old one (before editing) and the updated version of the old one:

    Here are the steps to reproduce:

    • Have an current login item in 1Password
    • Check if there is only one item when logging in
    • Update the username on the iPhone in 1Password and change for example the first letter of the login info to an uppercase
    • Try to login again, and you should see 2 login items from 1Password when you show all login items (like in the screenshot above)
  • @sissing,

    Thanks for the updated information. I have taken a look at what might be happening here and have a plan towards a solution.

This discussion has been closed.