Why isn't my agilekeychain file converting to the new opvault properly?

Community Member

Agile friends,

Long time user of 1Password here and let me tell you that I have been using 1Password 6 for quite some time with absolutely no issues. I have been syncing with Dropbox.

I have recently bought a new iMac (yes, I gave in and was sick of waiting for Apple to release a new one) and when I went to download 1Password to install on my new Mac, I saw that there is a new V7 that is compatible with High Sierra. Awesome, I love new software!

So I downloaded it, and apparently have to convert my old agilekeychain file to this new opvault thing. No worries! I go to convert, with only one tiny little problem......... The new opvault has nothing in it. It's completely blank. So I try again.......... Same thing.

What am I doing wrong? I was so happy with V6. Is there anyway I can use V6 on High Sierra and the upcoming Mojave??

Any help will be much appreciated.

Oh, also, how much is it to upgrade to 1Password 7? I prefer to pay a once off fee as this is what I've done in the past. Cheers.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @ilmolto - sorry for the trouble here. The issue is that you upgraded your hardware (Mac) at the same time that you upgraded 1Password. However, all is not lost, assuming you still have the older Agile Keychain available in your Dropbox. If you do, then this will be relatively straightforward. Can you tell me how many vaults you have in 1Password 7 for Mac on your new Mac right now, how many items each has, and exactly how they are syncing? Thanks.

  • ilmolto
    Community Member

    Hi Lars,

    Only one vault, which is being synced in Dropbox, with 0 items. And yes, I still have my old agilekeychain file backed up. Thank you.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @ilmolto - OK, great. Here's how to proceed:

    • Click the "Read Only" badge on any of your 1Password items in 1Password 7 for Mac. This should get you to the purchase options window; choose the second link "Need a license? We have those too"

      A new license for 1Password 7 for Mac is currently $49.99, though it will be going up to full price of $64.99 at some point, when the launch special pricing is over. I wouldn't wait too long if this is how you want to purchase. Once you've purchase from our FastSpring store and installed your license file, continue to the next step.

    • Click File > Import and in the pop-up menu, choose the top option ("1Password Keychain"). This is designed to import an older Agile Keychain into 1Password 7 for Mac. Since you have only one vault, that's where it will be imported into. You'll need to enter your Master Password; once you do that, the data should be imported, and should also now be syncing with the OPVault keychain.

    Let me know how that works for you. :)

  • ilmolto
    Community Member

    Maybe it's worth it to subscribe and pay the monthly fee. Either way I'll buy a license and get it sorted. Thanks for your help.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @ilmolto - if you're thinking of becoming a 1password.com member, don't purchase a license, as all four of our native 1Password applications (Mac, Windows, iOS and Android) are included with every 1Password membership -- including all future upgrades, for as long as you maintain the membership.

  • ilmolto
    Community Member

    @Lars So I subscribed today and it all imported perfectly. I just want to confirm... Is there no need to sync to Dropbox now? It seems my vault is stored completely online on the Agile servers. Is this correct?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @ilmolto - yep, if you can see all of your data in your 1password.com vault(s), then there's no need for the older, standalone vaults synced via Dropbox. If you still have them within the 1Password application, you can removed them (and you should), and you can also delete any remaining .agilekeychain or .opvault files in your Dropbox folder as well.

  • ilmolto
    Community Member

    Good that we can completely bypass Dropbox now.

    So how would you recommend I set my Safari preferences? Should I disable autosave and autofill of usernames and passwords from within Safari? This is how I had it on my previous Mac and I just always used 1Password to manually fill usernames and passwords. But was wondering if you recommend saving passwords in the Safari password manager as well as 1Password...

  • I would not recommend using the Safari password manager, no. I’d recommend turning it off entirely.

    Turn off the built-in password manager in your browser | 1Password


  • ilmolto
    Community Member

    That’s what I thought. Thanks.

  • You’re welcome. :+1:


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